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*Y/n POV 6 am*

I got woken up by Kairi given me kisses all over my face.

Kairi:babe*kiss*wake up *kiss*
Then kiss the rest of my face.Once he saw my eyes opening up he stoped and looked at me
Kairi:Goodmorning beautiful

Then he moves his head to the side and looks at my neck and then I remembered my hickey's.I put both of my hands on neck to cover up thr hickey's and Kairi giggles.

Y/n:You also have one
Kairi:Yea one,you have like 3 or 4
Y/n:Then let me make another one

Then Kairi leans down and I put my lips on his neck.I sucked really reslly hard so it can leave a small but dark really dark purple.


Kairi grabbes his phone,went to snapchat,and looked at it.His mouth made an 'o' shape.

Kairi:Thats really dark
Y/n:I know
And I giggled
Kairi:Whatever we got to get resdy for school.
Y/n:I wanna shower first

Kairi got off of me and sat next to me.Before I got off the bed Kairi grabbed me chin and made me face him,then he pulled me in and pecked my lips.I smiled,pulled away,grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom.

I smiled,pulled away,grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom

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After I changed I went back to Kairis room to see him on the bed with his phone.He looks up at me.

Kairi:Your so beautiful,uhhh God took his special time on you
The he comes up to me and hugges me.My face was in awe.
Y/n:Thank you,now get ready we have to go soon

Kairi grabbed his towel and left.I sat in his chair and started to do my make up as my phone camera as my mirror.

After I did a nice,simple,natural make up Kairi came back.

Kairi:Wanna get chick fil a for breakfast?
Y/n:Sure but I'm paying
Kairi:But i want to spoil you
And he comes and puts a hair strain behind my ear.
Y/n:I feel bad when people spoil me
Kairi:You shouldn't,now I'm paying or I'm making another hickey.So pick
I thought about like some deep thinking .
Y/n:*mumbling*fine you will pay
Kairi:What was that?
He said,clearly knowing what I said
Y/n:You will pay
I said a little lounder.

I got my school bag ready and decided I'm come back to Kairis house so I can get my other bag filled with my clothes later.


I nodded my head and we both went downstairs to see his mom in the laundry room and his not here.Most likely at school.

Kairi:Moring mom
Y/n:Good morning Mrs.Cosentino
K/m:Moring kids
Kairi:Mom,Y/n and I are gonna get food
K/m:Thats ok i didn't cook anyways,have fun bye guys

We both got in his car,put our bags in the back,Kairi started the car while we both put our seat belts.He turn up the radio at bit then he started to jam out to so music.

After awhile we made it to chick fil a so we turned the volume.Then we went up to the speaker.

Worker:Hi welcome to chick fil a,how can I help you?
Kairi:Hey can I get (whatever you want him to get and beautiful what do you want?
Y/n:(whatever you want)
But I said it loud enough do the worker can also hear me
Worker:ok $24.12
Kairi:Thank you
And we went up to the window.

*At school*

We finally made it at school with my drink in one hand and Kairi hand in my other. We saw the froup so we went up to them.

Ale:Hey- why you guys holding hands?
Kairi:Because we are together
Then I saw Mattia jaw clenched.

I finally updated 🙌,sorry for any spelling errors.Also I wanted to say thank you and I mean it thank you for 1.2k views I love every single one of y'all ❤ and I'm speechless to be honest like 1.2k is a lot but thank you so much.I will try to update because I still have my tight schedule <3

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