Chapter Five: Having my back...

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"What are you doing here?", I said as Donavon and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two cups and pour some homemade lemonade I made yesterday. Donavon shook his head as he takes a cup of lemonade out my hand.
I really didn't care but since he's here might as well listen.
"Breyaun you know how I get when I drink, I get a little crazy and stuff" I nodded my head as I take a sip out of my glass.
"I'm fucking around with some girl and like we had un protected sex.." I cut him off"Excuse me?, are you telling me you didn't try to wrap it up so it wouldn't spread. Your wrong for that." He just put his head down"I fucked up real bad, I said something's I should of never said" I take a sip then asked"Who is it? What happened?" He sigh and sits up"Well her name is Charity Banks and..". I spit my drink almost choked on the lemonade. He looked at me like I was crazy. I got up and I felt dizzy. I couldn't believe this. The girl I love is at high risk of getting AIDS because of this fool. I looked at him. He had a dumb look on his face. On top of that he's fucking Charr. He's killing both of my friends.
"Excuse me for a minute", I said trying to calm myself. I went to my room grabbed my Gucci shoe box which had my 45 Caliber in it lock and loaded. I tucked it in my bra. Imma show this punk as bitch who he messing with. He must of forgot I was the drug Lord before I got here. I walked into the kitchen very calmly.
"So you okay?'',Donavon said as he looked at my body language. I said"No nigga" I pulled out my gat. Aim it right at his face. He smiled wicked"oh for real " I nodded my head ready for him to say anything so I can blow his motherfuckin head off. He starts laughing all psychotic. I felt he was testing my gangsta. So I aim it at his mouth. He stopped laughing.
I said as I apply pressure from the gun to his mouth"You think your bitch ass gonna come in here and ruin shit and hurt my girls hell naw, I ride for my bitches". He didn't seem scared about the gun or anything it's like he turned into a person I never knew.
He says"Oh what you gonna shoot me, oooo I'm scared " he says as he laughs.
"You aint gonna shoot me girl, I know you, I was gonna married your trifling ass until you choose your sorry fiance over me" Donavon sound crazy, he thinks it's all about him. If he wants you nobody can't have you that's how his psychotic ass is, that's why I dumped his ass with the quickness.
"Remember your little fiance had went out of town to handle some business?", Donavon said as he smiles. I said"What happened"
"Well let's just say he didn't make it all the way there, I handle that nigga".
Donavon still standing with a smile and all of a sudden my vision started to fade to black and my body shuts down. Am I shot? How ?Donavon didn't have a gun. Wtf!!!

All of a sudden I wake up with tubes in my arms. I look around can't move at all wondering how I got in the hospital. All I see is the person I would never expect there. Charity sleeping in the visitor chair with her Burberry blanket wrapped around her. I instantly smiled. I looked down at myself. My stomach is bandage and my right leg. I wanted to move but the pain is so stronger. I just relaxed. I'm just happy that I'm alive and the women I thought would never showed up was here sleeping all cute. I wondered who called 911. Then Charity wakes up and looks at me. She instantly smiles and gets up and walks to my bedside. She grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled and squeeze her hand tighter. I love her so much I'll do whatever for her .
"How you feel Bre?", Charity said. I smiled weak"Better since your here". She blushes and leaned down and kiss my forehead. I looked around"Where's my fiance?" Charity instantly frowned "Somewhere out talking to your nurse about what you need." Charity had her arms folded. I loved it when she gets mad it makes me all horny. I licked my lips"aww don't get mad you still my number one in my eyes", I said as I looked her up and down admiring her fine ass. She sits on the side of me.
I continue"I just wanna say I never meant to hurt you. I love you girl I do. Your my everything,every time I see you I just fall in love with you more and more. I know I made mistakes in the pass. But you and I are not a mistake." She instantly blushes.
"What about your fiancee she says as she looks at me. I smiled and grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss. We kissed so passionately. I deepened the kiss when I add my tongue. I start kissing her neck and touching her. She back up off of me" No baby were in a hospital stop it." She looks around as if someone was coming in. I chuckle low. All of a sudden my fiance Yandi walks in with her sister.. Yandi  looks at Charity then back at me and frowned.
"Hey, Yandi",I said as I weakly sat up. She comes up to me and leaned down and kiss me on my lips. Then she looked back at Charity who was staring at her with a glare.

"Soo like what happened?how I end up in the hospital?", I asked as I looked at both of them.
Yandi under eye Charity, which made charity start talking which was weird.
"Umm, while you and umm.. Donavon was talking a burglar came in and.. Umm shot you from behind and Donavon fled the scene." I can tell she was lying because she was stuttering the whole time and plus I can see her fighting tears.
I asked her again with a softer voice"What.. happened?". All of a sudden she grabs her purse and runs out the door. I yelled for her"CHARITY!" I couldn't get out the bed so I just closed my eyes.
"Oh baby I don't know what's wrong with her she tripping, but yea what she said was right."
I cut her off"No it ain't I know my bestfriend, she's lying what's going on Yandi?". She rolled her eye"I already told you, what Charity said, Damn". I don't trust nobody. Nobody don't wanna tell me what's going on which is mind boggling. Something is definitely going on. And it seems like I've been set up. I know Charity knows and I'm going to find out. Then I thought to myself who really got my back?

"Just leave", I said as I rub my face. Yandi looked at me like she couldn't believe what I said.
"Excuse me?", She said with an attitude. I frowned at her"Yo ass got something to do with it" she looked shock"Baby I wouldn't, I love you how dare you question me?" She says as tears build in her eyes. I wasn't buying it. But I have a trick up my sleeves. I was a drug Lord and gangsta before I turned my life around. I can spot a snake when I see one and Yandi is one of them.
I act as if I cared for her feelings"Come here baby, I should of never accused you." She rushes up to me and hugged me. Her sister was just staring at me which is kind of odd.
"So where's my doctor?", I asked as I looked around. She got up "imma go get him baby", she got up and left. Her sister was just staring at me. She looked kind of nervous like she wanna tell me something. So I glared at her, she looks away, I couldn't hold it.
"What's going on, don't say You don't because you do". I thought she might give me some bull shit lie. But instead she says"You better watch out for my sister. I know blood is thicker than water and I suppose to keep my word, but they gonna do some foul shit." I sit up quick "Wassup then?"
She start spilling the details. "Look put it like this, Donavon has been messing with your girl while you were at work and shit. They became close and Yandi told Donavon everything about your business. Donavon sneaky dog ass decided to make up a scheme to kill you since you have Yandi name on your Company . So they can get married and live in the laps of luxury with your money when you die." She said as she took a breather.

I nodded my head rubbing my chin. "Hmm.. and why you telling me all of this ain't you her sister?" She nodded her head"Yeah but I over hearing them saying they gonna kill me because I know what's going on, they don't need no witnesses,I'm not afraid to die". I sigh looking at her"How I know that your not lying".
She stands up"Because, they can't kill me or you" she takes off her tented black shades. She walks over to me and pulled out a suite case from underneath my bed. She placed it nicely over my lap and open it.
"I want you to get Charity and get up out of here okay?, don't ask me why just do it, I'll tell you about Charity situation another time. Just do as I say and everything will be good."
I was just confused how did that suit case appear? Oh well I'll do whatever it takes to get out of this drama. I nodded my head looking at all them hundreds.

"How much is this?"I asked as I touch the money. She close the suit case.
"Don't trip just get the fuck out of here"



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