Chapter nighteen :Trouble in paradise

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I'm driving down 3rd ave, about to put in work on these streets. I see the Homie Quan walking with a group of niggas that I'm unfamiliar with. I pulled to the side and got out the car. Quan and the niggas stood there like a fucking statue.

"Wassup nigga, what's going on", I said as I looked at these niggas standing on my corner that I run.

"Aww nothing man,I'm just chill in with the homies",Quan said as he pointed at these niggas. I didn't loom at them.

I said blunt"why they on my corner, I don't know dem". I pulled out my cellphone because it was vibrating.

"Oh man, I put them on", he said to me. I was caught off guard. I looked up at him.

"With out my permission?", I asked in a serious tone. Quan instantly got scared.

"Oh it's not like that Boss, I was just tryna help us know", he explained. But I wasn't buying it.

"So you the boss now", I said grinning at this nigga. He looked petrified.

"No boss I'm not man, I respect you man I was just tryna help that's it no foul game", he plead.

I chuckled low"oh you tryna help me okay". I pulled out my gun. And pistol whipped his ass. He was hollering like a little bitch.

"Next time you run things by me you hear me?!", I said to him as I grabbed his collar. He shook his head yes. I shoved him down and looked at them niggas. They just looked at me all scared and shit.

One stuck out in particular. He stood there not tryna look in my face. But I didn't care. I went back to my car and drove off.


I decided to go out with Raven to the mall. When we were exiting the house to head to the mall. There was a package with a bow on it. I picked it up and it Read "RITTY". Now the only Ritty I know is Charity. Soon as I looked up from reading who it was from. A Range Rover pulled up with six niggas deep.

I turned to Raven "baby go in the house and call Daddy okay like we practice okay". She nodded her head. For a smart 7 year old , she knew what was going on. She rushed in the house. I did too and lock the doors. Raven and I headed to our basement. Aswaun always tell me to call him not the police. But in this case, I'm going to call the police while Raven call her dad.

I heard the doors bust open and a whole bunch of feet running all in the house. I hold Raven close to me. Raven looked at me with the phone in her hand"mommy daddy not answering", she said worried.

I call 911

:I'm home with my Daughter. And someone is braking in please come!


:1198South Berry st hurry please.

I hung up and just held Raven tight. I knew him being a thug would be trouble. I just knew it! I was thinking to myself if they find us, they can take me not her. Raven doesn't deserve to be hurt.

The door opens they rushed towards us. Raven was crying. As they grabbed me I was screaming trying to break away from them.

"Let her go!", I yelled as they yanked me. They grabbed us both. I couldn't see who was , all I know is that they had black masks. I still didn't give up my might. All of a sudden I feel a pain in my head. And it faded all into black. All I can hear was Raven screaming. Am I dead? Is Raven hurt. My body was numb. I thought again being knocked out. As my hearing got less active flashbacks start to flash in my head. All I here is my father voice:

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