Chapter 14 - Anything For Her

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Here we go, another chapter as promised!

Now let's ride back to the story❤️


Love God

Overwhelming mind had begged me to cool off and I chose to rinse myself. My troubled up emotions causes the statement that kept on roaring in my head grew fearful.

I'm turning into a human.

It's not that I don't want to be a human but what if the consequences that comes along wouldn't be pleasing.

I was in the state of squeezing my brain with questions after questions which only doubled my fear and the soothing part to think of from all this messes is...her.

"Hey! " Hearing a gasp, I looked up at the person and I felt as if the heavy load in my mind had been lifted.

Her beautiful face looks even more embellished through my watery eyes.

"What are you doing? " She screamed, concern playing a role in her feature now. Turning off the shower, she crouched down to my level.

I didn't expect her next move but as she did so, I felt the need in me to be hugged right now. It reminds me that I too have someone who cares about me dearly so I snuggled to get more of this comfort.

She pulled away minutes later and stood up with my one hand on her hold. "Get up. You will catch cold if you continue sitting here. " I looked up at her, wonderingly. Then back at me, knowing that I'm fully soaked in water.

I got up along and was about to take one step out of the tub when she stopped me. "Wait! Let me grab a towel. You need to dry yourself first. "

She cutely ordered which I'm used too and walked away to grab me some clothes.

After sometimes, she returned and handed me the spare clothes along a towel. She gave me space to change and as she locked the door behind, I went back into the tub.

Turning it on again to clean myself this time. I used her rosy smell body wash like always and only I know of how excited was I when I got to try it for the first time.

I literally pleaded her to give me a small potion on the first time and she glared at me, before giving me the access to use it whenever I want.

I smiled recalling those memories and I so badly wanted to make more memories like this with her.

She deserves the best, remember?

Shutting off the shower, I sighed in distress and stepped out of the tub. Drying myself completely, I changed into the clothes that she gave me and went out of the bathroom

My eyes right way catching hers and she patted her side of the bed, signalling that I need to take a seat there.

I walked in degrees towards her and took the spot she patted just now.

"Do you want to talk about it? " Her voice seems nervous on this question but should she need to be nervous?

Do I make her feel bad by leaving her workplace just like that?

"You know, I was scared when I found no movements while I came in the house today. I...I thought you ran away to somewhere. " Comes her exclamation and I was confused at this point.

"Why would I ran away? " Our gaze connected and I continued to tell the what comes in my mind. "I have nowhere else to go rather than coming back to you, then where else would I go. "

I'm telling the truth when I said so. I used to spend God knows how many days or months, in streets or also sometimes as the uninvited guests in few people's houses. None of that places had given me the pleasure of living but, this small house does. It chills me a different stages of homeliness, especially with the woman I lo-

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