Chapter 19 - The Date Night

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Mature Content [18+], coming up🌝🌚....

Be set, people!


Kameela Devgan

"What did you do this time, Love God? " I questioned like I always do before when I came home and found something new happening in the house.

He had made me mad, happy and even shocked at sometimes with his variations in doing weird things around the house. As now, I'm only feeling contentment.

"Hmm, this time I just borrowed a couple of bucks from you're account and paid for a rapid delivery. I just wanted to make our first date together as romantic as possible. It's not too expensive anyway and I would return it back as soon as possible. " I stared at him for a moment and he added in, "There's no weird communication with the delivery men, I swear. I just voiced them out to left it all outside and I brought it in only after I confirmed that the corridor is empty. " He answered cutely as like he usually do and that made me smile.

He did arranged a perfect first date.

"Thank God, you loved them. " He said as he let out a breath, snuggling me even closer while kissing on my forehead. "I had made the bath tub, warm with bubbles just like you loved. "

"You do? " He nodded, chuckling lightly to my kiddy reaction.

I always loved having bubble baths. It just forms another side of relaxation and tender inside me but you need to be goddamn patience to wait till the water filled the tub and some diligent efforts to add more essences for a bubbly bath. I had lost of both the patience yet diligent sooner when I came home empty and alone after work months ago as I never met the reason to make myself happy.

Yet everything twirl upside down. I have so many reasons staked up to pleasure myself. Especially now, with my Love God by my side.

Maybe this is why, Lisa's so happy and carefree. Because she found the man of her life, who treats her like the queen she is.

By the time I was out of my trance, I noticed that I was being dragged gently to my room. He brought me into the bathroom and began undressing me.

Wait, what?

"Excuse me? " I gasped, my hands slapping his nonchalantly.

He smirked before saying, "I had seen enough last night, baby. " It was indeed true but I'm sure if I let it happened, we wouldn't be able to make it for dinner tonight and I'm starving like a wolf.

With that beautiful dinner awaiting me outside, I'm not going to let it slip away with our curricular activities which possibly wouldn't end any earlier.

I got flushed thinking about the wholesome. "No. You....You get out now. " I whined, pushing him away.

"You sure, baby? " I sucked my bottom lips unconsciously at his deep audible voice and I could already feel myself throbbing in between these thighs.

Send me help, as soon as possible!

"Okay. You're hungry, I got it so I will leave now. " He chuckles while reading my expression. "Take your sweet time relaxing yourself, baby. " He uttered before planting a kiss on the top of my head and wandered out of the bathroom, closing the door shut behind.

I quickly came out of his halo and stripped myself off to get in the tub which is calling me to dug in bubbles.

My foot went in first and I gently settled myself down, taking serious 3 minutes to admire all the spa like leisure decorated around my bath tub. These scented candles with the rose petals were everywhere around me and the bubbles was just like a cherry on top.

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