Chapter 15 - Already In Love

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Another update!

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Kameela Devgan

"Love- " My vocals cut down short when the door fully swung. Eyes doubled size with my mouth halfway open. "Dhilip? "

"Wow! I never expect such a word to welcome me. But to be honest, I'm really impressed. " He expressed with shock.

"What are you doing here? " Came my next question and he laughed softly.

"What am I doing here? Well, I'm about to take Your Majesty for the dinner date I promised today. First of all, you look spectacular. "

I wanted to smack myself for asking such a dumb question because he was right after all. He's here to take me on a date, which I said yes for. He's doing what he promised and I should be...doing what I promised myself too.

"Thank you, Dhi. Urmm....give me a second, I will grab my purse and we can leave right away. Okay? " He nodded enthusiastically and I let him in while on the process of grabbing my purse from my bedroom.

We sooner left my house and descended to the ground floor through the elevator with some random talks in between. Dhilip leaded me to his car and my head was fogged again by the absence of the Love God.

Is he okay? What if he's not okay? Would he be back home safely? He said that he have nowhere else to go rather than coming back to me, so why aren't you here with me right now?

"....Kameela? " Dhilip's voice echoed on my ears and I was back to earth. He was eyeing me with concern as he had already kept his car's door open for me.

"Y-Yes. I'm sorry...I-I was just...thinking about something. "

"Well, you're so into this something. " Dhilip chuckled while saying so and I frowned, acknowledging the meaning behind the phrases he told.

I'm so into that something? Of course, the Love God is that something so does that mean-

"Kameela. " My body froze upon the impact from that calling and it didn't need to be spoken twice to recognize the person.

"Love God. " I mumbled softly, feeling a smile spreading over my lips and I turned myself around towards the direction.

Seeing the one and only someone who I have been eagerly waiting to meet since today morning.

I really do missed him.

Without caring anything around, I let my limbs to pace forward on his direction as I was preparing myself to launch on him for a hug. "Wait! " He shrieked in warning whilst gesturing a stop sign and that made me to halt.

"He's still there, ba- I mean, Kameela. He's looking you like a weirdo now and you don't like to be seen that way, right." He laughed dryly with no humor.

"Go with him now. I'm fine. I was in his place the whole time. " He continued.

What was he doing in Dhilip's place?

"Kameela? You sure you're okay? " Dhilip spoke from my side as he placed his hand on my shoulder for assurance, pulling me back from my reverie.

I gazed at the man in flesh right beside me and I couldn't help but to look back at the man in presence right infront me.

"Go, Kameela. " He whispered slowly. Eyeing me with a small encouraging smile and I had my clarity.

I shouldn't be really messing this up today. Why am I losing control when he's around me? For once, I shouldn't be fooling around with Dhilip and his feelings. If we are about to figure out my feelings today then I should really pull myself together.

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