Chapter 29 - Inexplicable Feelings

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Long chapter coming ahead as I'm looking forward to finish this story sooner. But don't worry, I will make it worth the read till the end....

Happy Reading!


Kameela Devgan

I shook my head. "No, sir."

Sir, yes. The respect way of addressing a man in authority or a polite sense of calling a stranger, which I had never considered to pronounce to my Love God. This kind of formalities and rift are the reasons why I miss my Love God more.

"I'm sorry. Let's get lunch now." He told me, shocking me on the unexpected apology.

He walked out and I followed him along with my handphone while replying a sarcasm full of thank you on Lisa's accurate instincts. She did swore two days ago that this private lunch would continue happen hereafter and that's what happening.

Enjoy, boo!🥰

Make sure to not get caught while getting some 🍆💦


I rolled my eyes, huffing once while typing a quick 'shut up' with an exclamation mark.

We made it to the VVIP lounge and started digging in our lunch casually. As usual, I had my eyes on the plate only and refused to stare straight into the man on front. While quickly eating down the meal, my handphone screen went bright, signalling a incoming message from Lisa.

Emergency, hide!!!!!!


What? Why should I hide?

I clicked my fingers on the screen way too faster than the F1 car race to ask her the reason behind the message. "Hello!" I stopped every action when I heard this familiar calling and took a wild turn to look at the person on the door.

I closed my eyes, inhaling a frustrated sigh while mindfully facepalming my head.

Can this day got any worse?

"Oh, never knew that you had a company." Dhilip spoke and it made me to stare up at his smiley face.

"Dhi." I stood up from the table and he had his arms wide. I gradually walk into his embrace. "What are you doing here?" I asked as we pulled away, totally puzzled of how can he always show up unnoticed.

"Aww, I missed you too. It's been 3 days since I last saw you and Lisa, so I just thought that I could take you out on lunch. But since...." He trailed, his eyes travelling over my shoulder. "'re having it already, I think I will wait till you finish your work so that I could take you out later?"

"Okay, then. But you should wait for another an hour." I warned him, equally fond on spending some time with Dhilip.

I had outgrowned on his warmth and since he knew everything that happened to me, it only increase my feeling on ease.

He nodded with a big smile and waved back at Adrian before leaving us alone.

I went back to the table, stuffing in the food quickly to avoid any questions that might interrupt from his blazing red eyes. For once, I knew he hated Dhilip so much as he would glare at me like he wanted to eat me alive whenever I got in a phone call with Dhilip.

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