Chapter 40 - All In All

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Oohlala....we are back again🌌

Happy Reading!


Kameela Devgan

"Here, baby." He made me hold onto the juice glass as he took away my laptop and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I just had it on the morning." I whined, not liking the fact of being fed twice with the same drinks.

"But this is for our baby to be healthy. You know that you can't skip it." He cooed cutely while kissing my nose and I was defeated.

"Fine." I gulped it down and he caress my hair before kissing the top of my head.

I fetched over to get my laptop back on lap and he stopped me. "No, baby, you had enough of that today. Are you planning to sore your eyes by looking at that thing 24/7?"

"Five more minutes, please. I seriously need to apply for more jobs. It's been three days since I started applying and I received no calls or messages from them. I have became so worthle-" I sounded desperate because being jobless right now seemed to overwhelm me to core and if it's not for his palm covering over my mouth right now, I would have begin rambling on my loss.

"Hey, stop right there." He stared into me and sighed before taking away his palm.

"I know that things were going downhill for us and I have told you this so many times to never look down on yourself. It's rough, yes. You lost your job and I lost my company, we both lost something which we worked for. But you know what keep us going right now, baby? Is that we have each other." He intertwined our fingers together to show the sign of us and he continue, "And I swear, things will change pretty soon. I will make sure of it."

I closed my eyes in peace, once again getting calm with his assurance and our foreheads landed together as he snuggled me into his arms.


"How does the interview go?" Ricardo asked while sipping on his coffee.

"Well, what can I sucks." Lisa exclaimed opening the fridge to grab onto the water bottle.

"Is that so, baby?" Love God had me wrapped in his arms since I came in and he knew that we look totally unsettling. I hummed, laying my head on his shoulder.

"Guess what the stupid lady said, 'We are looking for someone who's fit' and I yelled at her to better hire a mannequin rather than a person!" Lisa yelled in annoyance and Ricardo hugged onto her waist as if to ease her.

"I told you to not go." I stared up at his soft saying.

"I really had something on this interview and I thought....I will get it." I let him know, sadly looking to the ground and he hugged me again.

"Trust me, baby, you don't need to attend interviews anymore." I moved away from him to only gaze at him with confusion.

"You remember when I said that I have some savings in my account and I told you about investing in any business?" I nodded my head at him, reeling back.

"Since my wonderful girlfriend is so damn talented in fashions and designs, I decided to invest everything in yours." Too stunned and confused at the same time, I couldn't even close my mouth.

"What?" An unknowing whisper came out of my 'o' like mouth.

"Oh my God! Is this for real?" I heard Lisa's squeal and he turned around with a smile while nodding his head.

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