Chapter 24 - Confession and Drunk

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Haven't met the tipsy bitsy Kameela, right?

Happy Reading♡


Kameela Devgan

I was in the foggy state of mind just by thinking about the dream I had before. It came back plaguing me like a broken tape again and again.

The thought of letting him go had never been easier to imagine, yet here I'm, all spent up on him only.

"Did you heard that? The famous billionaire's rumour has finally proven fake." Lisa said while walking up to me.

"Hey, what happened? You look like you just saw a ghost." She catch my expression quickly.

I shake my head, unable to form any words to reply and forced myself into work. I spotted her staring at me for a minute and she left.

It was my first time paying off a whole day without concentration and I'm aware that I was like a statue on my working desk. The day ends sooner and with small nods yet gestures, I finally get to rid of Lisa as I marched to my car hastily.

Luckily she didn't bombard me up with questions, I thought to myself and started the engine. I was in my house in the next 10 minutes and it seems to be so unease for me to face my Love God. Or should I say, the billionaire heart-throb, Adrian Reed Smith.

Wait! Would he know everything by now? Oh, no, that's not possible. It wasn't in the national news, but the fashion news so there's no way he would have seen it locally.

"Baby!" He swaddle me in his arms and kissed my lips softly, yet all my resolution about what happened earlier had crusted into dust.

"Mmhmm...." I whimpered while holding him closer to myself.

We, then engaged into a primal make out session but before it could sizzle up to something more, I decided to take a shower.

While I was getting drained by the hot spraying over my body, the repetition of how the day went today tailed in my mind and I immediately felt sick just by thinking about the dream I had on the other day.

It feels like there's an interconnection between that never-forgetting dream and this revelation of who he really was.

After cleaning myself off, I put my casual pajamas on and left the room. We had our dinner in silence and he had this constant frown on me. Maybe he knew that something is wrong with me as I wouldn't be silent like this. When we were washing the plates together, he actually tried to start up a conversation.

"So, baby how was your day?"

"It's....fine." I replied, doubtful on my own statement.

"Something is bothering you, baby. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, rather soft and gently, making my heart swell with chaos. But also comes this nauseating thoughts of might happen if I tell him about what happened today.

I felt a tender squeeze on my hand as he drew circles on my knuckles. "I won't pressure you." He mumbled while hugging me as if to assure me that he was there by my side.

How can I ever lose him? How can I ever live without him? How can I ever start a new life without him?

It was easy for me to think that day when I subliminally admitted to what my heart desired. But I failed to recognize that there was always this hidden painful outcome awaits on every wantings.

Now, I can feel that our time together is too close to end.

Tears tingled on my eyes just by picturing my life without him and I hugged him back tightly. Holding him so closely for dear life.

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