Chapter 31 - Paper Boat And Hopes

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A long chappy coming up, so hold tight.

Just a little disclaimer; the event/occasion that I mentioned along the story is fully out of my imaginations and I don't know if there's actually something like that existed.

Happy Reading❤️


Kameela Devgan

"Great. Shall we leave now? We can go around the city." He mentioned, dragging me along. We walked to our already waiting rental car and begin driving across almost every visiting places. We also had our lunch with some linners here and there while visiting these places.

Tranquility, the city of lights, is somewhat the bestest place I ever visited. The beauty and cultural city had so many inspiration to speak about, especially on the genre of arts.

It was closest to sunset by the time we finally decided to call it a day and when we were driving by the road, something took my attention.

"Dhi, what is that?" I asked him, titling my head to catch him adjusting on the direction I showed.

"I'm not sure. Let's go and find out then." He informed and turned the wheels towards the entrance of the spot where I had showed him.

What catch my eyes was the enormous groups of people wandering around from a counter booth with a piece of paper to another direction. We parked the vehicle shortly and begin walking towards the counter booth.

"Hello, may I know what's the event here?" Dhilip enquired one of the crew from the booth and I saw the same people who bought this papers, to be writing something on it at another empty booth.

"Hello to you too, sir. This is an event of Manqué, which means something to miss. People come by on these days to write on a message for their loved ones who they miss everyday." The polite lady explained while holding onto a paper.

"Then, they will be making a paper boat on the same paper and will let it sail on the river right around that corner. They believe that the paper boats would eventually reach the person who they wrote too while it sails over the water flows." She pointed to another side of a pathway where I saw people walking across one by one with a paper boat readily on their hold.

"If you have someone that you're missing so badly, you can write anything that you wish for them to hear. So, sir and madam, do you want to give it a try? It's a free of charge anyway." She joked, her clear American accent making it all obvious for Dhilip to chuckle but I was afar from here.

My brain reeling in reverse to the once upon a time, when I used to make fun about writing a letter for my Love God.

"What if....I disappear in thin air suddenly? You will be hurt so badly and that's the last thing I want to happen." His confession ringing in my head again.

"Then, I will write you a letter. Like the old times, when a wife of a military man writes him a letter so he knows that she's waiting for him to return home safely sooner. I will write one to you so you know that I'm patiently waiting for you to comeback to me."

I was never serious when I made that statement, it was meant to be a joke to life up his mood. But I never was aware or serious of the pain that about to hit me with a tragic turnover since the day he walked out on me.

"What would you write for me?" A small smile adorning my lips, just by thinking of his adorableness in that question he asked me that day. The same time, a dead knot formed on my stomach by thinking that it was just a souvenir to store as memories right now.

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