Chapter 22 - Overnight And Moans

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Mature Content [18+], coming up at the closure of the chapter.

Happy Reading it the FULLEST, because it won't be coming around after! \(◡ ‿ ◡)/


Kameela Devgan

"What if he's really wearing an invisible suit? "

"No. "

"What if he's a moving soul and his body is actually in coma? "

"God, Lisa. Stop with that coma already. "

"Huh, what if....he's a wizard who's in disguise? " I swear, I should stop this woman before she starts questioning whether my Love God might be a secret invention of Thomas Alva Edison.

"No, Lisa. Please stop! Why are we even talking about it? " I fumed, getting enough of her nonsenses.

It's been three day since we catch up for a dinner and I should be honest when I say that it was like a World War 3 in my house as both the me introduced themselves.

Ricardo had never stopped yelling in defense at us, whereas my Love God began remarking at his responses. Which leads to another raging rounds between two of the men. It took everything in me and Lisa to take control over the situation and finally, they both calmed down.

"Aren't you curious of what he really is? There must be a way to figure him out. "She sassed back, making me to think about it.

"And why should we need to figure it out? He's happy with me just the way he is. " I defended the idea of hers.

"Cabello, that might be not true. Like, of course he's happy with you but....he deserves to know what he really is, don't he? Human or not, he must be something out there....maybe in another dimension or world of his own kinds, right? Someone or something might need him there. "

I hate that she's entirely correct.

He does deserves to know who he is, from where he came from and what is his real purpose of living. But....what if that would be a threat on our relationship?

"Babe, I know that look. See, believe is everything. If you believe that something would a way or another, it would happen. Same goes to our relationships. If you believe that things will not go that way, then it wouldn't. "

I looked up at her and smiled. "Love you, Lisa. "

"Love you too, but after whatever happened yesterday....I swear, I couldn't stay in peace. Ricardo practically still thinks that it was a whole set up of prank, you know! " She whined in annoyance.

"I'm sorry. I know none will expect something like this....and- "

"Oh, shush it. Things happened the way it meant to be and everything happens for a reason, right? " She said in a way more calmer and rapidly her reaction changes to fiesty as she started yelling. "You know what, I don't know why the fuck I'm talking facts like the goddamn principal of a high school! "

"We better start working now, babe. And remember, the dinner this weekend at mine. " With that said, she left my cabin to hers.

But I couldn't concentrate on work any longer as I was deeply in thought, thinking of what might he really be for real.


"I'm home, Love God. " My voice echoed around the house, which is delighted by light and enters my knockout prince to hold me in his arms.

"Hey, baby! " He announced, equally excited to meet me again even if it's just few hours since we last met.

When we pulled away, our eyes scanned each others features and my mind went back to Lisa's word.

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