Chapter 38 - Always And Forever

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I can't wait for their happy endings✨❤️

Now, let's get back to the story!


Adrian Reed Smith

Perks of energy surrounded me in a circle when I left the corridor and entered the hall with an impassive feature.

Urges to run over her and kiss those lips were hyperventilating, just so that she would look at me. But I know one thing, she hates to be here in my presence and that's why she looked all reserved.

I walked past her in mutual emotion and take my seat on the previous place. Sierra begin bugging me annoyingly and her father on the other side was having a close eye on me. Why do I feel like that this man is threatening me with those stares?

To rejuvenate my goals to get the Love God back, I glanced at her. She was shaking her head for something and Lisa was clapping, encouraging her friend to stand up. What is going on?

Then I focused on the speaker calling out for her and I'm sure this is like an appreciation of honor. I smiled proudly and my own hands were clapping either. She's the reason behind this enormous campaign hit and I was just a brand to promote it. Without her unique pieces, this wouldn't have happened and she's crazily talented in this field.

At last, she unwillingly stood up and walked over to the stage. I was enchanted by just staring at her full figure and it captivates me. Those saying curves were in the perfect places and any men would be a sucker for it.

The Love God is really damn fortunate to had it all in one and I envied it. A crust of pain trembled in me just to think of why it shouldn't be myself to favorish her right now.

I can't do that, she hates me now. But I can help her to have all that happiness back. Thus, how am I going to do that?

"....honey?" I gasped as I return from my trance. "They are calling you." Sierra informed while pointing at the stage. I cleared my throat and take my stand as people behind cheering. Mr Campbell had a frown in his face as I walked around the table to made my way to the stage.

"Yeah, there he is. Let's welcome the sensational cover model of the year, Mr Adrian Reed Smith." The speaker announced and I climbed up, feet slowing down as I came to stand right beside her. She took a glance on me and it was indeed a cold one minute stare. My heart beat races like the F1 cars nearing the finish line and every thumping were reasoned after her.

"This wonderful combo is the secret behind the success for today and let's we have a round of applause for them." The speaker recalled and everyone clapped their hands again.

I was itched so badly to just stand and stare while I'm having her so close to me. The compulsory to leave this stage right now had me cornered as I'm afraid that I might do something which I would regret later.

While on the process of thinking all this, I notice that the speaker seems to only highlighting me for most of the parts. I hated that because she was the mastermind behind this amazing triumph.

"Do you want to have a word, sir?" The speaker asked and I snatched the mic straight out of his hand while saying, "Yes, I do."

I tapped the mic twice and started my speech. "Good evening to all of you. I only wanted to remark that this entire success belongs to Miss Devgan, even though half part played by me, these wouldn't have gone this far if it's not for the unique and stylish pieces created by her. I have never seen someone with both passionate and professionalism in this field. So this wonderful woman here...." At the final words, I turned to look over her and she was already staring at me. "....deserves all the credits, success....happiness...." I was lost into her eyes the whole time. "....and love. She deserves the world."

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