Chapter 23 - The Missing Person

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Kameela Devgan

I was making coffees for all four of us from the coffee maker when I heard a long yawning coming up to me.

"Lisa, you look like you just got hit by a damn tornado!" I shrieked, she looked hilarious while scratching her scruffy hair.

"I know, thanks for the compliment." She rolled her eyes before staring behind my shoulder.

"Why are you making coffee? Didn't any one of the maids helped you?" She asked me, glancing around.

"No, I think they aren't in yet. I came here early and I saw no one." She looked at me in bewilder while walking around the island to reach me.

"From the way you guys got loud yesterday, I thought you won't be stepping a foot outside of bed till evening. But not bad, Cabello, he made it pretty well to get you used to his dick." She winked at me, taking the cup of coffee I displayed on the tray. I shield my hands to face to cover up the blushes and she giggled.

"It's not like that." Was all I could answer when the captures of last night thrilled in my mind.

"Hmm, is it? Then, why don't you have some sleep but woke up early instead?" It was her sarcasm but just then the exact reason why I had no bit of sleep popped in head.

Grabbing a cup for myself, my nails began drawing patterns on it's surface and Lisa caught my discomfort.

"Hey, what happened?" She sounded serious now, patting on my shoulder in assurance.

"Nothing, I just...." I trailed, not knowing whether she would take it consequentially or not.

"Tell me, Kameela." She ushered a little more sternly and I gave in. "I....I had a dream."

"Okay?" She was deliberate for me to open up more.

"It wasn't a nightmare but not like the good one too." I started opening up, glimpsing every single scenes from the dream one by one. "It's about my Love God. He....returned to where he belongs and I was there with him the whole time on the process, but...." My tongue struggled to make up the words for the worst part of the dream.

"But?" Lisa asked slowly, knowing how this effects me.

My gazed down eyes, perked up to meet her curios ones and I finished my sentences. "He don't know me. He started looking at me as if I never existed in his life. Then, I woke up with him sleeping soundly over my chest and I couldn't close my eyes a bit while watching him snoring cutely. I had that feelings as if....even if I blink once, I could lose him forever."

"Aww, Cabello." Lisa cooed and pulled me into her embrace. When we get out of the hug, she wiped the unknown tears I didn't recognized coming out. "It was just a bad dream, okay? Look...." She chinned me up to make me meet her eye level. "None of that sort will happen. It's just a dream who plays tricks on your brain and the reality we are in."

"But....what if it was true? Some dreams meant to happen, you know. And the strange thing is, I never had dreams like this. I rarely even have dreams while sleeping." I defended my claim.

"So you're telling me that if I dreamed of the sexiest Massimo to kidnap me and had me handcuffed in his playroom just to get fucked hard, would happen sooner?" She ridiculed with a dreamy look and I giggled at her reaction.

"I don't mean that way, Lisa. It's just-"

"Babe, chill. Not everything comes out to happen in reality from a mere dream, okay? Just like I told you, believe is everything. Take this shit in your head and stop overthinking already." She noted calmly as she walked to the sink to discard her cup and paced pass me while saying, "I will go and take a bath now. Don't you dare make a breakfast and I will call the maids in."

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