Chapter 39 - Rises And Falls

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Hello, lovely people!❤️

No any special comments for today, just have a good time reading!


Kameela Devgan

Life is full of thrill and surprises they say, yet it really worked out that way for me. I was doing good with my routine 8 months ago. Favourite job, my very own place and a best friend who always there to cheer me up. And everything changed after he came in.

He made me realize that even though I had everything, I'm still lacking some things in me. I had a very low perspective on myself, I hated the way I look since before he came in and I thought that's why no one's there to date me. I really thought that I had incurable issues but I was wrong. He changed it all for me. He made me see myself beyond my plus size body and he gave me confidence on how to show myself some love.

He came upon the most unexpected way and went away unexpectedly too. I was never happy when both of these happened and when he left, I felt like that's the end of my life.

Thus everything restarted again when I found him on my door as the Adrian Reed Smith. From there begin my journey with pregnancy too. Amazing it is and I could chapter up my rollercoaster ride life as a book.

"I love you, baby."

I'm seven weeks pregnant and my baby will be in the size of blueberry by now. I thought he or she wouldn't be able to get to know their father but right now, having to see my baby daddy confessing his undying love for me, I couldn't be more happier.

"And I really missed you." He kissed my lips once again as he say so and my arms nudged him tighter to me. I don't want to let him ever again.

"Hey, cuddle bugs, this is a public area." We heard the loud whining and I exactly knew who it belongs to.

I unwillingly pulled us away to look into her and she's smiling down at us. Ricardo joining behind her as she side hugged him while watching us.

"That's quite a performance on the stage, bro. You finally made your stand." Ricardo said and we both stood up, still having each other in the proximity.

"Thanks, Pilvasi." Adrian or Love God smirked as his arm ran around my waist.

They knew each other before?

"Wait! You guys know each other?" Lisa asked in surprise just like she just read my mind.

"Yeah, babe. Of course, I knew him." Ricardo replied and Lisa shrieked. "Oh my God, Cabello, our boyfriends are best friends just like we two. Isn't that sounds cool?"

"Urmm....we kind of....more like frenemies." Ricardo exclaimed in hesitancy and Adrian nodded to him while saying. "I hate that guy."

"Well, I hate you too." Ricardo retorted back with a groan. Lisa and I eyed each other for a second before shaking our head while giggling and we figured out that some things between these two haven't changed. Invisible or not, they both tend to pick fight no matter what.

"Okay, you two need to stop right there. I would never tolerate negativeness around my in-baking godchild." She ushered out of Ricardo's hold and flew over to me, caressing my belly softly.

"What are you doing?" I heard him asking and this is not how I wanted him to know. Yes, I haven't opened up to him yet and I don't want to stress him out after whatever happened today. I just got him back and I don't want him to feel like we are moving too fast.

I saw him through my lashes and he looked baffled. Ricardo smacked his shoulder while saying, "Don't act like you don't know. Wait, you really don't know?" Looking at his face expression, Ricardo concluded the question.

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