32. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨

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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: Kinda angst, implied kidnapping, a more subtle one shot for you with weak hearts like me- todoroki trying to be soft, just a bunch of old couple bickering I guess-

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your husband and you are having some heated conversation, it's not abnormal, it's become a routine, ever since he decided your safety was worth more than your freedom.

A tea spoon of sugar, and a hint of jasmine.

The air whiffs of vanilla, aroma of sweeten milk, smell of baked food, it's a little tranquil in the abode, vague whispers of the wind, and a bird distantly singing by itself, gush of water pours down on the milky white cup, cleansing it of dirt, dust, for a moment it's deadly silent, your cup declaring it's existence as it's placed down on the wooden table, gently warming the cup with tepid water, dissolved in saccharine tea giving off a scent similar to the smell of roses and jasmine. You sit down, taking complete advantage of his absence. It's much more peaceful with him gone and about, leaving you some.. much needed space. Droplets of water fall down, taking a flight of freedom, but that courage all went the drain, it resembles you. Very much. Indulging yourself with sugary treats, is.. unhealthy as much as you hate to admit it, but it's been your comfort food for a good while, it reminds you.. there's some good things, sweet things. Clinging desperately to the thought of freedom is pathetic, at least to him, it's what he said in a fit of rage.

You chunk the entire tea in one sip, a odd way of clearing off the bitterness he deliberately left, you despite his way of thinking, it's.. troublesome. There's a burn on your wrist everytime you gaze down, it fills you up with a destructive urge to guzzle more sugary food, you just want to forget it all with the seductively cloying, addictive taste of sweetness, you can't remember being this.. obsessed with gratifying sweets. Perhaps.. this is your way of coping. For a second, you let your eyes wonder, a habit you've developed ever since the time you found yourself in this mess, it's.. worrying, your eyes always looking at one or another thing to falsify a chance of independence.

You throw your gaze to the ticking clock, watching the time flow away, your leisure time. In a few minutes, he might appear. His stoic face, with a underlying layer of fondness. It forces dread to take the lead, filling your thoughts with negative and undesirable scenarios. This time of the day is the one thing you look forward nowadays, the time you spend it alone is much better than with him. You do not wish to tolerate it.

You might crack under this intense overwhelming emotions.

You usually find out his arrival by the sound of footsteps, and you specifically selected the highest floor to hinder his appearance as much as you could. As you're lost in thoughts, you think you heard footsteps, a little vague but close, you prepare for the worst, too.. familiar with his footings to distinguish how exactly is his mood, today it's heavy but oddly soft. Maybe he's upset of you, maybe.. he's upset that you didn't greet him when he arrived. Nonetheless, you knew something was up.

And turns out you were right, something is up. Although he hasn't quite said it yet, you think it's because of something you did, perhaps.. it was due to your-

"You're oddly quiet today." Todoroki speaks. You draw in a breath, mentally preparing yourself.

"Same could be said about you."

You replied, harshly sticking your knife in the cooked meat, watching the juices come out. You almost imagined yourself talking to the meat instead, since it's much more bearable that way. Lifting your eyes up, you semi-glared at him, staring into his eyes briefly. "Won't you talk with me?" He said after a moment of silence passed by.

"Not really. I'm eating." You responded.

"So am I, don't you have anything to say to me? I was hoping you'd be.. more chatty today. Like.."

"That time has long passed." You swiftly answered. "And you know the answer to it very well." You added, "I will not deny that." He admits, avoiding eye contact.

"Then stop asking me about it, you know how much I'd love to go back to that time as much as you do!" You dropped your fork, letting the rage take the front seat, "I'm tired of it all! Can't we just.. stop." You retaliated, the strong walls you've built until now are crumbling, slowly but the moment you let go.. it's going to be empty, broken. You don't want to lower your guard down and potentially cloy him into thinking you're now obedient as he puts it. "You expect me to give you a reaction and when I do, you don't even give a small word of agreement or anything!!"

"I understand what you're trying to say, but you know we can't stop now.. we have a long way to go, you can't just give up."

"Did you think twice before doing this.?" You questioned, "it's hurts you know, as much as it paints you, I just.. wanna go home. Forget about all this.. Wasn't I a.. annoying lady?"

"That was before I got to know you!" He retorted, "I do not wish to let you leave."

"Why not? Haven't you kept me here long enough?" You snarled. Not regretting it at first but, after his demeanour changed, you're having second thoughts, you do not let it manifest on your face however. You keep quiet, eyeing him intensely. Watching out for any telltale sign of his displeasure.

"Why are we fighting just because I asked you a simple question? Do you dislike me.. that much?" He says it with a tone.. you haven't heard him speak in a long while, hurt, sorrowful.

You kept mum, looking down in an attempt to ignore his ways of guilt tripping you, ready to leave after a half eaten meal.

To get some much deserved peace and quiet.


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