29. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨?

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Warning: contains possible triggering content, kidnapping, yandere behavior, some creepy stuff? Most importantly yandere content a imposter is among us- be careful viewers!

Summary: Your friend suddenly takes a dark path, betraying the person he was trying to be, in the end it all turned well, and that's what matters right?

• Summary: Your friend suddenly takes a dark path, betraying the person he was trying to be, in the end it all turned well, and that's what matters right?

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Somethings are better left undone.

Words of sentiment could hurt a person's feelings, uplift their joy, or in your case, infuriate a certain someone to such an extent, they're willing to do the unspeakable, someone you've come to know dearly, a friend, and your kidnapper. To be frank, you don't know how you managed to escape his dense clutch, gripping you tight and squeezing your flesh, till the supply of blood ceases. His eye catching red hairs, a smile so bright, you found it difficult to suspect him of such an heinous act. In his last moments, all you could perceive was the person he was trying to hide, from you. And from everybody else.

Was there a reason to his sudden demise? yes. You.

Charged guilty in your mind, and called 'a girl who barely survived', what must have drove him crazy enough to enact a crime? You never got the chance to ask, never would, much to your dismay, it has been a few days since the incident, you can't get these reoccurring thoughts out of your brain, was it curiosity? Or was it fear? Honestly, you did not know, you could not think of anything else, you've been to yourself for complete 5 days, uttering not a word, not a mutter or a whisper. Was it what they call... shock? So shocked your mind shuts down temporarily. During thses thses passed days, you've done nothing more than eat, sleep and indulge yourself in video games, seeking no comfort from anybody, and remaining in your thoughts.

Buzz buzzzzz buzz

You turn your focus towards the vibrating device, calling out for your attention, with lazy eyes, you stare at it, not in the least bothered to check the reason behind its reaction. You move around, not in the mood to utilize your energy, probably some fake number you thought to yourself, continuing your blank stare towards the wall, something about it so much more interesting than checking out your messages and calls. Buzzz buzzzz it once again rings, with a sigh you turn over, reaching out to take ahold of your phone, comprehensively, you picked up the call, slowly bringing it to your ear, waiting for the other person to speak up.

"[Name]!!" Your eyes grow wide open, still in place, you comprehend the situation, "I love you! I love you so much!" It sounded like him, exactly like him, there was no doubt about it, but it almost sounded like.. it was coming from a recorded video? There was no way he had access to communications devices, someone is trying to prank you, insensitive to the cause and the effect it would have on your already worked up brain. Without a second thought, you cut off the call, throwing your phone away, Krishima sounded.. drunk, wasted, and slurping on his choice of words, like he was high on drugs or something.

You made a mental note to not pick up calls from that day.

"[Name] we are going out to get groceries, you wanna come?" Instinctively, you shaked your head, hiding your face from the eyes of your watchful mother. "If you say so.." with a despondent voice, she closes the door behind her, leaving you alone in your room.

With a sudden rush of curiosity, you picked up your phone from across your bed, unlocking it to find countless messages, the most recent one being, a unknown number. Red flag number one. It was a video, a short one and you could familiarize faces you knew. Was this one of your friends playing a prank? Again? Clicking on the video you watched as it progresses, "[name]!! I love you!! I love you so much!!" A red faced Krishima shouted on top of his lungs, sounding the same as the one you remember days back. "I'll do anything for you!! I'll make you happy!!"
Shut eyes and a teethy grin playing on his face.

"I love you [name]!! Please be mine or I won't be happy!!" He yells, "I'm coming for you baby! My love! My sweet loveeee-"

The video ends, now that you think about it, you do faintly remember him saying that while holding you down.

You breathe heavily, desperate moans of struggle leaving your lips, tears and sweat mixing into each other. "Please be mine! Please be mine [name]!!" You cry out in pain, his body putting all the weight on your back, face to the ground, squashed beneath him. You were just about ready to give up. "I just wanna protect you!!"

"Police! Put your hands up!!"-

That was all you could recall, other than the loud noises of gunshots and other unexplainable sounds, it was all your mind could muster. How could a simple hang out with your friend turn out to be so.. so disoriented?

Perhaps love does drive some crazy.

You carry on with your staring contest against the wall, absolutely oblivious to the creeping figure behind your back.

Maybe this was a traumatic incident after all.

• Apologies for any errors present in the oneshot! I wanted to put this out as soon as possible hope it was alright?

Anyways, did you get it..?

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