39. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢

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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: May contain triggering content, mentions of blood, implied kidnapping, yandere behaviour, and yandere content.

𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: What happens after you've escaped not one, but two of your taunters, and now you're undergoing many precautions to ensure your safety. It's for the best.

There will be many stories that remain untold.

Plenty rendered unfinished, unable to be accomplished, the victims behind these either die in misery or perish in struggle. Fond memories are meant to be cherished right? Something to be saved for a long stint of time, but, what about those bitter recollections? One you might be enduring, conceivably for a lifetime.

If there's anything you learned during your extended time with your tormentor, it's that whenever you let an unfiltered word slip, they more or less end up in woe, a careful scrape as a trophy of remembrance, dark enough to vacate a mark. Your eyes have witnessed many unfortunate ends, gone by tears and a vengeful glare, stubborn as they may be, those same eyes that stared at you in desperation never seem to leave your mind. Desisted all too abruptly, but upon realizing what had occurred right before your nose, your mind suddenly goes blank. Left to see yourself dragged away with sheer ease and a controlled sense of vanity. Gawking into space has hardly ever given you peace after seeing such gruesome sites, there are just empty thoughts, with no real meaning.

You'd like to think that you are still sane, rational enough to make your own decisions, even if flawed, even if wrong. But at least, these notions do not conclude in someone's death, unlike shigaraki, whose mindset isn't exactly.. convenient. 

Escaping him wasn't, by all means, simple, you admit you almost felt sympathy hearing his cries if not for his cruel declaration, that if he found you, it'd be the end, and you are glad you are not around him anymore to know what he meant. If that was the case, perhaps you would never be writing this, telling everyone a tale, under the disguise of a fake name. Even if he saw it, digging it out over hundreds and hundreds of fabrications, you'd doubt that he would know it was you. Exhuming a chapter of your life and putting it into words certainly took away your practised ease, you won't lie and say that you are not fearful of being found out, which leads you to your current settlement. Locked up in your room with the quiet taps of your keyboard, writing away your life, one with unease.

Fright has driven you to do a handful, keeping your windows shut at all times, and getting yourself a pricy apartment with plenty of people around, reliable security, and a puppy you had gotten from an unwilling owner. The experience you had gained from your long imprisonment has granted you quite the hard time coping up with stress, and the tiniest sounds you could hear whether be it in the middle of the night or day, with your guards up most of the time, you hardly relax willingly, there's always that quiet voice in your head that fuels your anxiety to the maximum. You want to loosen up, you want to be eased, not be in fight and flight mode throughout the entirety of your life, dreading every single step you take in fear of... 

"Is anyone home? Hello?"

You nearly jump out of your skin when the prompt interruption garbs your attention, instantly turning around to survey it. Watching the door reminds you of desperation, as it has been your struggle since the time you were locked up in a dingy room, lacking much sunlight. Even if it is the not same one that contained you bounded for more than a month, however, it still stirs up that unpleasant feeling inside your chest, it causes you to zoom out of reality, causes you to remember everything you shouldn't.

"It's your delivery um... miss?" 

This also reminds you of a forgotten incident.

You rise from your seat, timidly making your way towards the entrance, hesitantly letting yourself voice your answer. "... could you please leave it by the door?" you steady yourself for a response, not ready to take a peak.

"Ok.. sure ma'am." with that you hear footsteps walk away from your home, somewhat delaying to see if the man had departed. 'Come on... I can't wait all day long to take in a single parcel.' spooning up the courage she meekly looks out the door, cringing when a cold breeze passes her by, looking down at her package she swiftly gathers it up and locks the door behind her. A click soon heard, certainly, it draws in a faint sense of security, despite knowing her kidnapper might not even need to break in. 

'She is so tensed every day, even sitting idle rises up a lot of concern, enough for her to be unable to handle it, she avoids thinking to a certain extent, because she is so bothered her mind simply will go back to the place that ruined it.' you recall someone telling that, unfortunately, you couldn't retain their name, only their faces. 

'Shut up... stupid brain, why won't you let me forget it all?' 

Sitting down by her laptop, she silently stares at the walls, were they always so dull? when did she manage to get that red stain on it? is it blood? her blood? 

Red things have somehow retained the memory of when she tried to flee for the first time, she could revive it, her bare feet touching the marshy ground, the smell of soaked mud, and her soggy clothes. Her freedom didn't last long enough, blue flames eventually slowed her down, chewed up by his rage soon after. Tomura managed to not only hurt her but cut her, as a warning.

She could not fathom the things this man must have gone through to be so mentally scarred. She didn't bother asking because she didn't think he would tell until he did during the last final days of her captivity.

He said something of killing his own family, though he never went in detail, she did not wish to know further. That alone told her enough.

And she is glad she escaped.

Otherwise, if she hadn't, her demise might have been near.


Ok so... Did you find anything interesting hehehe No?

Anyways, if you think I have forgotten your request that you requested a while ago, perhaps you could let me know. I swear I suck at doing requests, and I'm so very sorry for everyone who did and haven't seen their story yet, I'm making an effort but... I do not wanna give a half baked dish with no salt and pepper in it. Unless you don't like pepper which I can relate to-

That's beside the point, um I remember the most recent ones, so I'll probably start on it and do it justice.
I'm extremely sorry 💔

 I'm extremely sorry 💔

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Isn't this adorable-

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