14. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 ???

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You don't know who's coming after you, to kill the others who are with you. Kinda like the final destination but it's not the same, it's like a suspense/thriller crime one shot!

Comment down below what you think about it and don't forget to like vote and comment!♡
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"Why is it taking so long? Shouldn't the electricity be back by now? It's dark in here! These flashlights are barely helping!" Mina exclaimed, annoyed by the current circumstances. Pivoting your focus to her, you find yourself agreeing with her remark.

"Yeah, I wonder why Kaminari is taking so long to get back.? He never takes this long.!"

"Must we go and check what's taking him a while to get back?" Momo asked Iida, worried about her fellow classmate. Iida nods, "we definitely must, come on let's go." Gesturing four of the student to closely follow him. Mina decides to whine some more.

"Why was the power cut off in the first place? The electricity never goes out in our dorms so why did it happen just today!"

"Maybe some rats came and ate the wires or something?" You replied, unsure of the said answer. "Hmph guess so, why am I tagging along again?" You grinned, eyeing her from the corner of your e/c eyes.

"Because you love me!!" You joked, watching her reaction amused you, giggling as you continue to climb down the series of stairs. You bump your head into momo's back when she suddenly halts, staggering back in confusion, you speak out your concerns.

"Why did you guys stop?"

You hear back no response, supplying you with additional concern, you peeked from behind momo's shoulder, getting a glimpse of what they're seeing. "What's wrong you guys? Why aren't you moving!" Mina shouted, putting her hand on your shoulder to support herself up.

You just saw a figure hanging midway as if something had been stuck to prevent them from moving, and the body remained limp.

Reaching the end of the stairs agonisingly slow, Fear-stricken, you stared at Kaminari. Your heartbeat paced up watching as some red substances dribbles down, an abnormally sharp knife had been inserted into his back, his eyes stuck on the handle of the electric device. Swallowing down a scream, you gazed, terrified by the gruesome scene.

"Why.. isn't Kaminari.. moving.?" Mina who grew quiet all of a sudden, said. Her voice soaked in appalling, both you and the three others with you knew the answer to that. He was dead, murdered by someone, who is probably roaming the dorms right now.

"We need to do something!" Just as momo uttered, the loud slam of the door, locking everyone down in the basement, had the four of them turning their heads towards the staircase.

"N-no! No!" Mina shouted, bolting upwards, banging at the locked door.

"We need to warn the others!" Momo said, her limbs shaky and quivering, taking out her phone, her expression turns grim.

"I don't have any service, no no no! Did the intruder cut off all means of communication! Is this a major villain we're dealing with!" Momo fretted, droplets of sweat rolling down her face.

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