34. 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 ???

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Warning: Implied acts of violence, might contain triggering content.

She stands there, patiently, carefully watching her surroundings, she appears to be vigilantly safeguarding the city, it should spare me some time. 'I've got to be quick about it.'

Emerging out of the shadows, I make my way towards her, she's distracted, she's..

"Ah! What are you doing here?" That look in her eyes leaves me spellbound, why does she.. make me feel so hesitant, I shouldn't be!

"Are you okay?" There's concern in her voice, it's directed towards me, for me. I.. I have to make sure she's... she's.

"Hey what's wrong why aren't you answering?" I mustn't let these emotions get in the way! I have to do it!

"Just shut up!! Shut up!!" I shouted, I didn't mean it though, I'll just scare her away like this! but everything in my body is telling me to do, it's driving me crazy! I-

"My apologies.. i- I've been stressed.." I try to explain, try to make amends, try to shush away that distant look in her eyes, it makes me wanna-

"It's okay! I understand.. It's not easy being a hero." Isn't she always so understanding? She's too good for me, I don't.. deserve such a kind soul like her.

"Wanna have a small tea party? It's always nice to forget about all those stressful moments with a cup of tea!" She cheers, I quickly pull back my hand, not wanting to.. cause her trouble.

"Could we.. go somewhere more private?"

"More private? You aren't going to confess your dying love for me right?" She joked, and I.. didn't say anything, "what?.. it's true?!"

"No!!" I quickly yelled. A little too loudly, she's causing me too much trouble! I shouldn't have let her drag me into all this.

"Okay.. okay calm down.. I was merely trying to joke!" I hate it when she makes that expression, is she ever being serious?

"What about my place then?" I shook my head, "where else then?" She questioned, giving me a pout.

"Will you stop that?"

"Stop what?" She questions confused, "stop pouting, you're making me feel bad.."

"I was pouting?" Stop.. "yes." I answered, suddenly her expression grew bitter. "What's wrong with you today.. you aren't like this.."

Stop making me feel guilty. "I'm the same as usual, you're overthinking it."

"Ok then.. whatever you say, I'll go then. I'm still on duty-" before I could think, I grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

"Ah- ouch what's wrong?! Why aren't you telling me anything? If you don't tell me how am I supposed to know?!" She snapped, glaring at me with spite.

Don't look at me that way.

"Aren't you always the one who tells me to do my duties to my fullest why are you stopping me?!" She carried on.

Stop looking at me that way.

If you'd give me a chance to explain, then I would, I happily would, but.. You don't listen, you'll continue to dismiss it.

I feel sorry for you.. almost.

She pulls her hand back, sending me another glare before stomping away, it leaves me with a.. strangest sensation, dread? Fear?


You've turned your back toward me, it has never hurt so badly before..

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. But it's for your own good.

You'll understand won't you?

Before I know it, you're looking at me with horror, you're scared but I promise..

It won't sting for very long.


*blink blink*


I'll see myself out,
thank you very much..

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