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"seungmin." hyunjin said as he jolted up from the bed.

where am i hyunjin questioned as he looked around the unfamiliar room, and again he was alone. flipping the blanket off his body, he got out of the bed and headed for the door. reaching his hand out for the door knob, it turned before his hand reached it.

seungmin walked through the door with a bottle of water in his hand, "oh hyung youre awake?"

grabbing onto seungmin for his dear life, hyunjin pulled the puppy into his arms. hyunjin arched his back down and touched his cheek to seungmin's neck, inhaling the soft cologne smell and wrapping his arms tighter around seungmin's waist.

hyunjin's weight was leaning entirely on seungmin and from their height difference, seungmin was pushed back by their combined weight and was then leaning on the door with hyunjin's body pressed against his. shit if he continues to do this-

"uhm hyung are you okay?" seungmin asked, his hand hesitantly settled down on the back of hyunjin's back. patting at his back slightly, he felt hyunjin's weight lift of his shoulders.

slowly they tilted their heads to face each other, their eyes interlocked and seungmin couldve have sworn hyunjin was leaning closer and closer.

slipping out from between the door and hyunjin, seungmin stood at the side awkwardly, watching as hyunjin turned and leaned his side on his side. he tilted his head and walked closer and closer to seungmin who backed more and more until he hit the bed frame.

seungmin's knees went weak and he fell back onto the bed, elbows supporting himself up. seeing this huge puppy get so flustered, hyunjin snickered and towered over the body on the bed.

whats with the sudden change in mood, he was so anxious 2 seconds ago now hes so confident? seungmin thought.

grabbing seungmin's wrist together, hyunjin pushed it over seungmin's head, pinning seungmin against the bed.

familiar huh? seungmin thought, but this time... it feels different.

"why are you staring at me hm?" hyunjin whispered seductively in seungmin's ear. he was spacing out and didnt even notice, that hyunjin had already gotten so close.

letting out a small gasp he whipped his head towards the left, escaping the way hyunjin's eyes were making him feel. but he couldnt ignore the hot breath of hyunjin on his neck.

then all of a sudden, seungmin felt a warm hand snake up his waist then his chest.

fuck no. not this again. seungmin thought, he throat tighten once again feeling the cool air hit his torso. shit.

"okay! can we go eat now? im hungry." an upbeat voice ripped through the tense air.

what? seungmin thought to himself.

"w-w...what were you doing-" seungmin asked.

"hm? i was checking for whether your bruises were healed." hyunjin replied innocently. "what were you thinking..."

feeling his cheeks heat up, seungmin bolted to the door and whipped it open. while running down the flight of stairs he turned back and motioned for hyunjin to follow. "you said you wanted food right? LAST ONE AT THE LIVING ROOM PAYS!"

running down the flight of stairs seungmin heard the closing in of hyunjin's footsteps, just as he was about to reach end of the stairs he felt a hyunjin wrap his arm around his waist and swept him off his feet. the floor was approaching their faces really quickly and with their combined weight, this fall was bound to hurt.

but he felt hyunjin turn their two bodies around so he was the one that made contact with the floor instead. hyunjin first fell on the floor on his back then a while later seungmin fell on hyunjin's chest, propping seungmin up, he watched as the latter slowly opened his eyes and look into his own.

a soft pink blush crept up his cheek and his neck, in an instant, seungmin's face resembled a red tomato and he looked like he was going to explode if he was flustered even more. hyunjin placed his palm under seungmin's head, cushioning it as he flipped the two bodies and now he was on top of seungmin.

without breaking eye contact, hyunjin leaned down to beside seungmin's ear and whispered, "youre paying."

followed by a sneaky chuckle, hyunjin lifted himself off seungmin and ran to the living room.

but seungmin was thinking about the fact that he was paying, the only thing was.

fuck hes so hot.

but ok this cute chapter is a small break from painfully stressing jeongin shit HAHAHA

have a good day !!


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