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"Help! My partner is bleeding out!" Soul said loudly as he walked in through automatic doors with his arms under Makas body, she used the last of her strength to hold herself on to him

two nurses ran to Soul while the other rolled a bed closer to them, when they removed Maka from his arms Soul looked at his clothes and was heavily covered in Maka's blood.  Soul slightly panicked but tried to keep it under control, he felt his hand shaking and breathed heavily

Is she going to die? Did I wrap it tight enough? Or maybe it became lose and she lost more blood?

Soul sat quietly, the only sounds he could hear was the buzzing of a broken light, the typing of a keyboard the nurses at the front were using and the tapping of the sole of Souls shoe as he bounced his knee.

He felt tired and desperate, he looked at the time and it was two in the morning. A nurse walked up to Soul and Soul stood up quickly

"You are Maka's...?" the nurse questioned


"Maka had a deep wound on the right side of her ribs, it was actually close to touching her lung but she was lucky it didn't puncture it, and she lost a lot of blood. But the doctors were able to stop the bleeding and closed her wound. It will be a while for her to recover but it is not deadly or risky. If it weren't for that cloth wrapped around her she would have died by the time you were here" the nurse smiled softly trying to help Soul a little to the fact his actions were indeed life saving.

Soul let out a deep sigh of relief that she was not in danger and acted accordingly but still felt guilt.

"can I see her?"

"she is sleeping right now, and won't be up until noon"

"can I please be by her for a while?" Soul pleaded, he felt tears reach the brim of his eyes. He needed to see her to ease his mind that she is okay even thought the nurse confirmed that she is stable.

"alright, just don't wake her up" the nurse said, she knew she wasn't suppose to let him in but she saw how pained and panicked he was, she saw that he was traumatized as well as much as the young girl

"Do you have any injuries?" She asked concerned for they young man

"No I'm fine" Soul responded desperately, she nodded trusting him

Soul followed quietly, a shiver went down his spine. The nurse stopped in front of the door and faced Soul signaling him he can enter, she went back to her desk and since she was assigned to take care of Maka she knew no one would go in unless it was an emergency and allowed Soul to stay as long as long as he could

Soul opened the door and walked in, Maka was laying down on her back with her arms on her sides, Soul quietly pulled the nearest chair and sat down. He wasn't even sure what to do, he was tired.

He put his hand on his chest where his scar was that Crona gave him when they first encountered them. He wondered how Maka felt, did she cry while he slept? Did she sleep by his side and didn't go home until morning? Did she eat enough meals while he was at the hospital?

He asked one question after the next as he sat next to her and placed his hand on top of her chest confirming her gentle heart beat pound on his hand. He moved his hand on top of hers and laid his head on the bed by Makas thighs.

I'll just sleep here for five minutes and then I'll go

Hours later Maka finally felt conscious.

What happened after I passed out?

Where am I? Am I home? My head hurts, also my ribs...

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