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One week later
Soul checked to see he had the ring in a small white box and checked one more time to see if he looked good.

Maka was finishing up getting ready in the other room where she had her things.

I'm readyyy

Maka singed in Souls mind, he chuckled and stepped out the room. He stopped and looked at how beautiful Maka looked she was wearing a tight black dress with knee high boots she had rings on her left hand and a couple bracelets on her right. Her necklaces stacked on top perfectly around her collar and neck. Her hair was straight and parted in half

"You look beautiful" Soul said softly

"And you look handsome" Maka kissed him and smiled

"Let's go" Soul held her hand and went off to their date

Soul made reservations to one of their favorite restaurants, Soul felt more and more nervous as the night passed. Maka noticed Souls stiffness

"Are you alright Soul?"

"Yea I'm alright" he said trying to seem fine

"You sure? You seem stiff"

"My necks a little tired that's all, are you enjoying your plate?" He asked taking a bite from his meal

"Mmhm, it's good as always"

After their meal they went to the tallest building there was, it was there for tourist mainly. Despite of living in Tokyo for some time there was a lot of things they haven't seen, it was famous for the sight. The sky was clear and the moon was almost full, Soul had asked to have just the two of them in the floor.

It snowed lightly covering the building streets and cars. Maka looked at the moon fondly

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Soul asked

Maka thought for a second feeling a tingle in her body, remembering all those years back to when he had first said it.

He did mean it

"It is" Maka smiled

Soul thought it was now or never, he held Maka's hand and faced her

"Maka for so long all I ever wanted to do was to protect you and grow with you. I never thought I would get the chance to love you" he said softly

"You're the best partner I could ever ask for and truly someone I would love to spend the rest of my life with" he let go of her hand and put his hand in his pocket taking out the small box

He got down on one knee and opened the box revealing the ring, Maka gasped lightly and put her hand over her mouth, Soul held her hand and looked up to her

"Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Maka stayed silent for a couple seconds

Is this happening? It feels like a dream, I feel so lucky

"Yes, I would love to marry you Soul" Maka felt goosebumps all over her body

She apologized and took off the ring that was on her ring finger, Soul slid the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly, she looked at it and recognize it was her mothers. She kneeled with Soul and kissed him deeply

"I'm so happy Soul" Maka smiled, Soul sighed in relief to her response

"The ring is beautiful, it's my mothers right?"

"Yea she gave it to me"

"I can't believe my dad said yes" Maka giggled

"I was worried for that too" Soul laughed

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