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Four months later

Maka was sitting in the teachers lounge grading papers, Black Star sat next to her surprising her

"Oh my gosh! you're back" Maka moved to side hug Black Star

"Yea I just got back" Maka was the first person he wanted to see, Tsubaki went on to report to lord death

"You were gone for so long, I was worried. How was your mission"

"It was hard not gonna lie, but ya know me I kick ass and shit"

"You look tired"

"yea it wore me out to be honest"

"Oh my gosh you're getting old, your energy was sky rocket high before" Maka teased

"Yea well you look worse, why don't you become a miester again?"

"I'm thinking about it, I was thinking I could move somewhere else for a while"

"Really? sounds good to me, I think you should. You've been here your whole life"

"I mean we did travel a lot as students"

"Yea but not live somewhere else" Black Star said, there was a long pause

"how have you and Soul been?" he switched up the topic

"To be honest I don't know" Maka said sadly

"What? Why? did he do something?" Black Star stood up ready to beat Soul's ass

"no nothing like that, we go on dates and are together sometimes but he goes out a couple times a week for a while like maybe four or five hours and he doesn't tell me where. It's not like I'm suspecting he is cheating but I think it puts me more at ease if I knew where he was" Maka felt her eyes tear up

"We've gone through so much over the years I didn't realize how much anxiety I get when I don't know where anyone is. I worry for all of you when you're away, not that I doubt you wont make it home but just scared" Maka said as tears fell on to her paper

"I'm sorry I didn't-" Maka wiped her tears quickly

"no, don't apologize. I know you worry, I wish we didn't live in a world with evil souls either but we do it regardless. I know I don't show it as much but, you scared me half to death the day the school was attacked. You could have died if Soul didn't tell me to look at you" Black Star said

"I'm sorry Star" Maka stood up and hugged him from behind

"I know its our job and we do it for our own good reasons, but sometimes I become selfish and choose myself when we fight seeing some comrades die because I need to come home alive"

"It's not selfish, its reasonable. We make reasonable calls on what to do to stay alive and help more people. We win some and lose some. I'm glad you're home and alive" Maka said

Black Star stood up and looked at Maka, he held on her arms, he then hugged her tightly and so did Maka

"I love you" Black Star said, at that moment Soul walked in

"I love you too" Maka responded

Both Maka and Black Star looked at Soul, Soul had been trying to avoid Maka in a way so she wouldn't ask him so many questions.

"Hey Soul" Black Star smiled

"Hey, umm I'm sorry, I'm interrupting" He said turning around and walked away very quickly

"no Soul!" Maka yelled out, she went to follow him and finally caught up to him

"Soul wait why did you leave. Black Star is back you should say hi. You weren't interrupting anything" Maka explained

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