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"You.. like me?" Maka said out loud

It was loud and clear, Soul had goosebumps in his arms. He slowly looked up and Maka looked at him nervously.

"Did you.. hear what I just thought?"

Maka nodded, she felt bad that she read his mind. She could have waited for him to speak his feelings

The silence was heavy and all they heard was the rain that was hitting on Souls window and the thunder rumbling at a distance. Maka stepped out of the room quickly and awkwardly

Maka went inside of her room and closed her door quietly. She sat on her chair and let her knee bounce in thought

Okay what should I do? I read his mind, can't go back and undo it sooo.. Talk to him in the morning, talk to him now, or.. call Black Star

Maka dialed Black Star and waited, her phone ringed twice and he answered


"Black Star I read Souls mind and he said he liked me and now I don't know what to do. I feel bad and awkward"

"Wait you read his mind?"

"Yea it's something we sort of developed, but the point is that I know Soul likes me and he was upset earlier and I don't know why but it turned into an accidental confession and I don't know what to do"

"Do you want to talk to him about it?"

"I mean, is it really my call? It's his feelings not mine"

"So you don't like him in that way?"

"Well.. it's not that I don't like him... I just like how our partnership is and I don't want to ruin what we have" Maka twirled her hair around

"So you do like him. you like him, he just told you he likes you so just tell him. Simple"

"But it's not that simple! I don't think I want him right now. Not right away at least. I guess I want to take it slow?"

"Don't tell me, this information is for him. I gotta go, gonna catch a soul" Black Star hung up leaving Maka a little more rational

"Okay so I do want to be with him, just not now. I can tell him that, but what if it's just a crush and not anything serious, okay but then why was he upset in the first place?" Maka sat on her chair by her desk and pulled out a notebook

"maybe later" The night was setting in and so was the rain and thunder, it was said to rain all night.

Maka sighed, she looked out her window looking out like it the answer would appear. She ripped a page from her notebook and began to fold it. When she opened her finished origami she lifted it up and admired it for a second.

She got up and changed her clothes, she put on leggings with a long sleeve shirt. She put on a sweater on top and then her red raincoat, and rain boots ready to go.

Maka peeked out her door and saw that it was clear. She quickly slipped through her room out to the door, she closed it softly and headed to the front of their apartment building complex.

She took a deep breath and smelled the earthly scent deep in her lungs which she loved. She squat by the curb of the sidewalk and saw a wide stream of water going down the street, she took out one paper boat from her pocket and fixed it up quickly.

She put the boat on the stream and watch it float away

Soul heard the door close

She left.. she probably doesn't like me and thought I was weird and is demanding lord death to switch partners. Well it's too late, I wonder if shirigamis sleep, probably.

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