last meal

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After training Soul and Maka got ready for the dinner at Kids house in silence. They weren't sure what to say but knew what they were thinking regardless

When they arrived everyone was there hugging and catching up with each other. Then it was time to eat, Kid was at the end of the table standing up while everyone sat quietly

"There is no denying that this coming week will be brutal. I want us all to come home safe and sound, I can't not guarantee that and I wish I could. I don't want to say this could be our last meal together but in the case it does happen I have to say" he paused for a second clearing this throat trying to hold his tears back

They all felt a tight feeling in their hearts of the fact that this war was going to be tragic no matter what. Many could die and possibly themselves

"You are all the best friends I could ever ask for, I enjoyed our time together as teenagers and I hope we are all together still in the future. But we are strong and powerful, we WILL make it home to have more time together like tonight. To our friendship"

"To our friendship" everyone raised their glass and took a sip

"Please eat to your hearts content" Kid took a seat and everyone chat and ate together

Everyone shared what they have done in the last couple months since they had last seen each other, they laughed and cried and smiled. Telling their goals for the future like if they were leaving a will amongst each other.

At the end of the night everyone hugged each other long and tightly. As everyone left to the front doors, Black Star asked Kid to stat behind with him

"What is it Black Star?" Black Star looked at him with a hesitant face

He grabbed Kids arms and pulled him to a quick kiss.

"I like you, so don't die alright?" He said with anger, before Kid could respond Black Star left without looking back

Kid stood there stunned to what had happened, his cheeks flushed pink and smiled softly

"I won't" he said to himself

He walked out to the front and waved goodbye with the twins

"We'll come home. All of us will" Liz said with confidence

"We will" Kid agreed

"You better come home to Black Star even if it's without us" Patty teased as she giggled

"Don't say that, we will come home. All three of us. And I'll come home with Black Star"

"Honestly I didn't see that one coming" Liz said

"Me either! Such a plot twist I didn't know you liked Black Star"

"Well I didn't focus on relationships for so long, considering I'm the next Shinigami starting next year"

"Yea you're right, I wonder how long he waited to say that" Patty said as she closed their doors

"Dunno, but I'm glad he did" he smiled softly to himself

The morning came..

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