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"Maka you look tired" Crona said as they sat in front of her in lunch

"I'm fine, just grading more papers than usual, and I've been helping with practice tests. Also I've been training" Maka smiled

She actually was working and training more in her room, though it was in the middle of the night when she wakes up from a nightmare and can't sleep anymore. She worked out or read a book to distract herself, unless if she was lucky enough to fall asleep. She didn't sleep multiple days back to back until one random night she is able to.

"Well exams are next week" Kid said

"Oh yea I forgot about that not that it matters much to me" Tsubaki said

Black Star sat next to Maka, it had been two weeks since Matoi came back and they didn't know what to do about them.

Maka was almost healed from her ribs, her stiches were taken out and all she needed was another two week and she should be good to go. But Black Star knew why she looked tired.

"You should go to the doctor" Black Star said loud enough for only Maka to hear

"They said I should be fine in two weeks"

"You know what I mean" She stayed silent

"I don't know"

"You do know, you need to go"

"I don't need to"

"Oh yea those dark circles under your eyes say other wise" he looked at her with a serious face, Maka noticed his dark circles as well

"apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Black Star scoffed and began to eat his lunch

Maka rolled her eyes, she noticed Soul wasn't at their table again. She noticed he wasn't in the room at all, meanwhile he was laughing and smiling with September in a different room, Soul had been hanging out with him a lot more lately.

"Hey I wanted to ask you something" September said as they got up and walked towards the trashcan to throw way their trash

"I wanted to know if you wanted to uh..."September said shyly

"Soul!" A girls voice called out his name, the boys turned in the direction of the door and saw it was one of their co workers

"Can I talk to you for a second if you're not busy?"

"Um sure, give me a second" Soul said, he left September hanging with anxiety of what he was going to ask Soul

"What's up?"

"Umm I wanted to give you this" she handed him a small square envelope with a small heart sticker on the back that sealed it closed

"I know it's very childish but it's my only way of saying how I feel, I'm sorry to bother you" the red faced co worker turned around immediately leaving Soul confused

He headed back into the room and put the small letter in his back pocket. He reached to September again

"I'm sorry, what were you gonna say?"

September stayed silent for a moment

Ah.. I see what she did

"are you free this Saturday?"

"Yea" he said casually

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to this party I got invited to."

"Sounds cool I'm down to go, want to text me the time and place?"

"I can pick you up if you'd like" September offered

"Yea sounds great"

"Alright I can pick you up at 8"

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