Birthday Surprise

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"Aussie! Get your ass down here!" My brother yelled at me. He is the Alpha of our pack, I'm the Beta. The two of us are also belong to a set of quadruplets. We took over from our father and his beta and instead of us arguing who got Alpha the oldest got Alpha and the second oldest got beta. Our father retired on our sixteenth birthday and now it was our nineteenth birthday.

"Aussie! I said get your ass down here!" He said again, this time using his alpha command over me. Even though I was his beta I couldn't ignore him. An alpha command is like when an army general commands the soldier to do something, he has to listen and if he doesn't he gets punished. It's sorta like that but we literally cannot go against a command. Our inner wolves won't let us.

"Adam Cole, if you use that command over me again I will kick your ass." I growled at him, coming down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, there was my brothers and their little group of friends. I could feel some the guys eyes raking over me as I came downstairs.

"Anyway...Aussie, the we got you something that is pretty awesome and I'm pretty sure you'll love us forever." He said as he handed me an envelope.

I opened it and immediately my eyes grew wide. They got me front row tickets and backstage passes to the One Direction concert in tonight, "Holy Batman! I love you guys!" I said, giving each of them hugs.

"Well, we figured it was time for you to get your mate." Adam said, hugging me. He had already found his mate, Grace. She is a fairy and she happened to be my best friend. We're like Corey and Shaun from Boy Meets World

"Thank you so much." I said, hugging each of them again. I looked in the envelope again and saw three tickets and passes.

"Those two are for Gracie and Skyler." He explained.

Skyler is my identical twin sister. Our mom had a legit litter when she gave birth to us. There was Adam, me, Skyler, and Blake. Adam and I got the wolf gene from our father while Skyler and Blake got the vampire gene from our mother. Skyler and Blake didn't get left out when our father retired. They are over the pack fighters. They are the best there is in our pack.

After I had freaked out about the tickets with my sister and best friend, we then had a small party for the four of us which included our friends. Normally on a birthday, you would get presents; the only thing we get is money from our dad. After our mom was killed by a group of rogues, the presents stopped and we were ok with that. We were starting to get too old for them anyway. Our father had been depressed for a few years which lead him to the decision to retire. After the party the three of us got ready for the concert.

"Don't tell your brother this but Zayn is really freaking sexy." Grace giggled as she curled her hair.

"I like Liam." Skyler smiled as she put eye liner on. This kinda surprised me, I knew she also liked One Direction but I figured she would be a Harry or Zayn girl.

"Really?" I asked her raising an eyebrow.

"It's the puppy dog eyes." She smiled, which showed off the small points of her teeth.

"Oh Em Gee! I know they are so adorable!!" Grace giggled again.

"Ya know if Adam heard you talking like that he would handcuff you to the bed." I laughed.

"And that's how I like it. But the handcuffs on him..." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Gross! Ahh Grace, I did not need to see that image of my brother!" Skyler said, shaking her head.

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