My Mother Made Me Change The Name of The Chapter So I wouldn't Get Grounded

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 Author's Note: Alright, sorry that this chapter is shorter than the other ones. And about the title, I was listening to Fall Out Boy when I was writing and they have a song called "Out Lawyer Made Us Change The Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"....yeah so, it was inspiration.

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I woke up the next morning with my body draped across Niall. We were both still naked from the activities that took place last night.

                “Good morning beautiful.” I heard Niall say in his sexy sleepy voice. I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. It looked like he had been awake for a little while.

                “ How long have you been awake?” I asked sleepily.

                “About ten minutes give or take.” He mumbled as he brushed some hair out of my face.

                “You could’ve woken me up.” I said, climbing all the way onto him.         

                “Yes but you looked beautiful while sleeping.” He said, giving me a slight smile and ran his fingers through my hair.

                I really wanted to stay in bed the rest of the day but we couldn’t. I really needed to talk to Adam about the very high possibility that I was pregnant. I still didn’t want to not fight but I knew if I was neither Adam nor Niall or anyone else in my family would let me.

                “I need to talk to Adam today.” I mumbled against his chest.

                “What are you going to do about the training?” He asked as he ran his fingers through my hair.

                “I’ll have Ally take over for me today.”

                “Ok babe, let’s go take a shower and go see your brother.” He said and lifted me up then carried me into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while Niall turned on the water waiting for it to warm up. Once it was warm I stepped in and Niall went to brush his teeth. One he was done he joined me. I had started to wash my hair with my Bed Head shampoo but Niall stopped me.

                “Lemme do it.” He said, smirking at me. I moved my hands down and they were replaced with his. He massaged the shampoo into my hair; his nails scratching my scalp. I had my eyes closed from the feeling of it. I’ve always liked my head being scratched. Once he was done he stepped forward, causing me to step back under the water. The shampoo was washed from my hair. I didn’t bother to condition it this time.

                “It’s your turn now.” I smiled at him. I got some of his manly smelling shampoo and started rubbing it through his hair. I began to scratch his scalp like he had done to me. I’m guessing he really liked it because I felt something hard against my leg.

                “Niall,” I said, smirking at him, “does this turn you on?” I asked as I continued to scratch his scalp. He nodded.

                “Hmmm, too bad you’re not getting any right now.” I smiled, this making his eyes pop open.

                “Austin Martin that is cruel.”

                “Sorry babe, but we have to talk to my brother remember.” I reminded him and he stuck his tongue out at me, “Yeah, that’s mature.”

                Once the shampoo was out of his hair we both washed our bodies. When we got out I pulled my hair up in an extremely messy bun. I threw on some high wasted shorts that had a Batman pattern on one of the legs. I then put on a tank top that had the Batman symbol going across it. Niall put on some shorts and a simple gray t shirt. It was probably the simplest outfit someone could wear and he made it look extremely sexy. (her outfit on the side)

                “Aussie,” Niall said, waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.


                “I asked if you were ready.” He smiled at me.

                “Yeah, let’s go.” I smiled back and grabbed his hand. We walked out my door and down to Adam’s office. The short walk felt much longer than it was, probably because I was nervous about telling him.

                When I got to the door I knocked on it, which I normally don’t do. I heard my brother say come in and I slowly opened the door.

                “Aussie?” He said looking quite confused, “You never knock.”

                “Yeah, I know but I kinda wanted to talk to you as another pack member, not your Beta or your sister.” I said quickly, looking down.

                “Oh ok then, what’s up?”

                “Well, it’s about the battle.”

                “Go on.”

                “And it’s also about me.” I said, trying to avoid the big topic.

                “I figured that.”

                “Well, when a man and woman love each other-,” I started to say but was cut off.

                “Dammit Aussie just tell me already.” He groaned, he was starting to get frustrated.

                “IthinkImightbepregnant.” I said really quickly so he wouldn’t be able to hear. Niall stood beside me shaking his head.

                “What was that?” My brother asked.

                “She said she thinks she might be pregnant.” Niall said for me, knowing that I would most likely do something else so he wouldn’t understand me.

                Adam just stood there. His face was really hard to read. It was like he was a stone. I finally figured out what he was doing. He was talking to Dad, Blake, and Skyler through the link.

                “Sit down, they will be here in a few minutes.” He finally said.

                Yep, I was in deep shit.

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