Uncle Simon to the Rescue

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I walked the short journey to mine and my brother's office. I went straight in and saw my brothers, sister, and they boys minus Niall. I also noticed that my Uncle Simon, his beta, and my dad were in the office.

                "Ah, Aussie there you are." My uncle said, giving me a smirk.

                "Hello uncle. Beta Cody Allan, nice to see you again." I smirked at my fellow beta. He was just a few years older than me. He was a very good beta for my uncle. He was also attractive but I've seen better *cough* Niall *cough*.

                "Very good to see you too." He said, his eyes travelling up and down my body. And that was where his attractiveness ended. He was a complete pervert. I heard a course of low growls coming from around the room. I looked and saw my brother, my father, my uncle, even Harry, growling at Cody.

                "Hey babe, who's this?" I heard a soothing voice say from behind me and smelt the refreshing scent of bananas and mangoes. Niall was back, his hair was also wet. Apparently he did take a cold shower. He wrapped his arm around my waist and rubbed soothing circles on my hip. 

                "Niall, this is Simon's beta, Cody Allan." I said, pointing to the pervert, "Cody, this is my mate Niall." I said, emphasizing the mate.

                "I recognize you from around Simon's house, it's nice to meet you." Niall said, holding out his hand.

                "Like wise." Cody said, snarling at Niall. Cody is an absolute prick. One summer I spent the time at Uncle Simon's pack and Cody kept trying to hit on me and kiss me. Every time I pushed him away and at one point I hit him in the whooha. 

                "Alright, now that the introductions are over let's get on with this meeting." Adam said, standing up from the desk. "I have informed Simon of the situation and he has agreed that he would ask his pack to help."

                "Yes, I will have a group of pack fighters start training immediately. There is also one other member I will be asking to join. She is our fastest member and will be able to scout ahead of us." Uncle Simon said.

                "That's great. So she will go in ahead of us. I want to form small groups to be able to come in at any angle from Lucifer's compound." My brother said, looking around the room.

                "If we are going to be setting up groups we need to have some group leaders." I said, stepping forward.

                "I agree, Simon can you have your pack fighters come here?" Adam asked, "We would be able to set up groups and decide group leaders. Once that is done we will start training."

                "Yes, I will call them as soon as possible." Uncle Simon said, nodding his head.

                "That is all for now. Dinner is at seven!" Adam smiled.

                We all left the office, Niall trailing closely behind me. I was about to walk into my room when I heard Grace calling out to me.

                "Aussie! We're all going to watch a movie until dinner." She said, running up to the two of us. I looked up at Niall, I really wanted to spend more time with me but I also wanted to watch a movie. He looked back at me.

                "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him through the pack link.

                "A little but I would rather spend time with you." He said back.

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