Training Begins

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 When we played chicken I was on Niall's shoulders and was going to fight against Skyler. It was really fun it ended up being a tie though because we both ended up falling at the same time. After a while each of the couples had went and we had stopped. The other girls and I ended up getting out and they boys decided to play chicken with each other. Niall got on Liam's shoulders and Louis got on Harry's.

                "You're going down Tomlinson." Niall grinned.

                "No, it will be you who are going down." Louis replied. This was going to be really funny.

                "Oh, hello everyone." A really annoying voice shouted. It was Ashleigh. She was wearing a really skimpy bathing suit that I wouldn't even consider it that; it was more like just two strips of fabric.

                 No one paid any attention to her, which I found really funny. The boys were fighting; Niall and Louis had their hands on each other shoulders attempting to push the other over. It was funny to watch.

                Apparently Ashleigh noticed that no one was paying attention to her because she huffed and crossed her arms. The boys continued to fight each other; Liam and Harry were also pushing at each other, trying to make the other lose balance. Ashleigh started to get annoyed and she kept trying to do things that would make her get noticed. No one ever did.

                "Ohhhh, and down goes team Niam!" I heard Louis shout. I quickly stood up, worried about my mate. I noticed he stood up out of the water, wiping water out of his eyes.

                "I'm ok Aussie." He reassured me, obviously noticing my worried expression. I was about to respond when I was interrupted.

                "Hey guys, dinner is re-," I heard Cody start to say but stopped. I looked over at him and noticed he was staring at Ashleigh who was staring back.

                "Mate." They both said and ran to each other.

                "Thank god, she's gone!" Zayn cheered, standing up from the chair he was sitting in. All of us laughed and went inside.

                "Hey dad, we're gonna change then we'll be right down." Skyler said and walking up the stairs. All of us went to our separate rooms to change.

                I walked into my closet to pick out some clothes when I smelt Niall come in behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his body.

                "You look really good in that suit." He whispered, his lips brushing against my ear. I instantly felt my eyes change colors.

                "You look good in those trunks." I said back, turning around to face him. His eyes were purple with passion. I quickly crashed my lips against his. Niall immediately deepened the kiss.

                "Dinner is getting cold!" My dad said to the both of us through the link. We both pulled back and groaned.

                "After dinner." I promised. Niall nodded and walked out of my closet to change his clothes. I took off my bathing suit and put on my awesome Superman underwear and pulled on a pair of black sweatpants that Grace got me for Christmas one year that said "I heart One Direction" down the leg. I then pulled on a black sports bra and a tank top that had all the boys' nicknames on it. I figured they would get out a kick out of what I was wearing. I walked out of my closet and saw Niall pulling on a tank top I've seen him wear in some candid pictures; it was the one with the '@' symbol on it. He looked really sexy. (what she wears is on the side)

Niall Horan Is My Mate (editing complete)Where stories live. Discover now