Wait...HE is Lucifuer???

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"Do you have a favorite superhero?" I asked him, lying back on my bed.

 "Hmmm, probably Batman." He said, also lying back, "same question."

 "Well he's not really a superhero, per say, but it would have to be Deadpool. He's definitely my favorite. What's your favorite movie? I asked him

 "Harry's got me hooked on 'Love Actually'." He said blushing, "What's your favorite movie?"

"I really like the Transformers series." I said; I love those movies, "Umm, favorite member of 1D?" I asked smiling at myself.

 "Liam! He's the best." He said, also smiling, "same question?"

 "Zayn is definitely my favorite." I said joking, but noticed his hurt look, "awww, I'm kidding you are!" I said.

 Niall then rolled onto his side, leaning on his elbow, and looking down at me. He looked so good. I really loved how his roots were brown and then it faded into blonde. I really liked his teeth and his smile too. I loved his teeth before the braces but now that he has them, his smile is amazing. I looked over his face and finally looked at his lips. They were so plump and looked so soft. I looked into his eyes last. They were such a pretty color; a blue color with a black line around them. When I looked into his eyes I noticed they were looking down. I didn't realize what he was doing because, even though I wasn't looking directly into them, I was still lost in them. I was jolted from my train of thought suddenly. I noticed Niall was slowly leaning down towards. I didn't make any attempt to move. I didn't want to move.

 "Aussie?" Niall asked his face literally two inches from my face.

 "Yeah Niall?"

 "Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked. I slowly nodded.

 "Do you want to kiss me?" I asked him and he nodded.

 I then felt a pair of soft lips pressing against mine. It felt like I had a million volts running through my body. I closed my eyes and tilted my head and started kissing him back. Our lips were molding perfectly together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I slightly opened my mouth and felt his tongue slip into my mouth. I ran my tongue across his and felt him place his body over mine, keeping his weight off of me. Our tongues fought for dominance over each other. This made me slightly growl in the back of my throat. My wolf was going crazy.

 He's kissing us! Mark him! Mark him now! My wolf said, running her way toward the surface. I opened my eyes really fast, feeling them turn completely white. I kept kissing him, trying to ignore my wolf. She wasn't making this easier for me. I then started shaking, my wolf wanted out. Niall must've noticed this because he pulled away.

 "Aussie?" He questioned. I kept my eyes closed and tried to calm down my wolf. It wasn't working though she was right at the surface scratching to get out.

"Aussie are you ok?" He asked again. I shook my head then let out a growl from the back of my throat.

"Mate." It was no longer me that was talking. It was my wolf that growled out, she was at the surface but I hadn't shifted yet. I opened my eyes again. They were completely white; most wolves eyes turn black when their wolf is taking over but mine turn white for some reason. I saw Niall's eyes widen.

 "GUYS!  A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Niall shouted out. He must have been calling out to the guys and my family. I was still shaking, my wolf wanting to be out. I kept as much control on her as I could. I knew if I shifted with Niall in the room my wolf would want to take over. A few minutes later my door bust open and I saw my brother, sister, father, and the other four of One Direction in my room.

 "Aussie!" My siblings yelled at me.

 "What's going on?" I heard Louis asking.

 "Her wolf is trying to come out." Blake explained to him. The boys had a confused look on her face.

 "Her wolf wants to take over because he mate is so close. Her wolf wants to mark Niall." Adam said and rushed over wrapping his arms around me keeping me away from Niall. He knew what it was like to fight off your wolf when kissing your mate. It was a pain in the ass, especially when you had just met your mate.

 "Skyler, Blake get them out of here." My father ordered. They then pushed the boys out of my room. Once they were out of my room I let go. I burst into my wolf and ran out the door, then down the stairs.

"Someone open the door!" Adam shouted out as I ran through the house. I was no longer in control it was still my wolf. She wanted to find Niall and mark him then and there. I slowly fought for control and took back over and ran outside.

 I ran to the woods and started toward the boundary line. Once I made it to the line I went around the whole property three times. At one point I stopped at the little lake we have on our land and sat on a rock for a few minutes before I knew I was completely back in control. Once I was, I ran back towards the pack house. It didn't take long at all to get back. I once I broke away from the trees that surrounded the land I saw ten figures waiting for me. I ran up to them all, still in my wolf form. I always liked being in that form. It calmed me down and felt freeing.

 "Woah." I heard a medley of voices mutter. My wolf form was really rare among full werewolves. There were block colors of black, white, and sometimes brown but I was different. I was completely gray, like the color of the sky during a storm. 

 "She's the only one I've ever seen that color." My dad said looking at me and smiling. He was really proud of mine and my brother's color. He was also a rare color, a sort of ginger color. It looked really cool. We were a rarity in the wolf community.

 "She's beautiful." Niall said, looking at me. I made a little yip sound and danced around, showing that I was happy. Everyone laughed in our little group. My brother also shifted and jumped at me. When we were younger we would always play fight but since we took our positions we hardly ever got to. I jumped back at him and nipped at his feet. He then jumped up and started chasing. He chased me for a while, but never catching me. My brother was the stronger one while I was the faster one. I quickly shifted my direction and watched my brother attempt to do the same thing but failed to do so. He slipped in the puddle of mud I had barely missed and skidded then started rolling. I laughed at him through our mind link and noticed that everyone else laughing as well. I happily pranced my way back over to the group.

 "Damn, Aussie you are the fastest wolf I've seen." Harry commented. I had almost forgot he was a wolf. I wanted to see his color.

 "Tell him to shift." I told my dad through the link.

 "She wants you to shift Harry." My dad said, relaying my message. Harry nodded and stepped forward some. When he shifted I was surprised. He was very large, much larger than myself. He was also completely white. Skyler walked up next to him and ran his hand through his fur. He made a purring sound and leaned into her touch.

 "Did he just purr?" Zayn asked and laughed a little.

 "I thought he was a wolf not a cat!" Louis shouted. Harry growled at him, in a joking manner. Louis didn't realize this and quickly shut up. Adam had joined back with us, still covered in mud. He nipped at my ear and gave it a soft tug. Adam, Harry, and I then started chasing each other, playing a form of tag. We were having fun but that was soon ended but a flash of red light and smoke.

 Once the smoke faded away there was a man standing there. The three of us had our lips pulled back baring our teeth and the hair on our necks were standing up. My ears were flat against my head.

 "Hello Zayn. Nice to see you again." The man said and walked into view. He was wearing a black suit and looked a bit like Jamie Lannister. (A/N: I decided to change this. I love Ed too much to make him a bad guy plus it kinda didn't make since. Updated 8/2/2016)

 "Lucifer." Zayn spat out. Yeah I was officially confused.

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