Zayn's Story

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I have heard about banished angels but never met one before. I didn't even know that they actually existed. It surprised me that he was an angel. Banished angels were angels who have done something sinful so they are banished from the ranks of good. Angels are supposed to be the stereotypical perfect beings, but those who are banished have either done something illegal of immoral.

"Can you tell me what you did to get banished?" I carefully asked.

*Zayn's POV*

"Can you tell me what you did to get banished?" Aussie had asked me. I wanted to tell her, the only others I had told before were Simon and the lads.

"Yeah, this will be my first time really telling the story." I said and she just nodded.

All the lads were there. Aussie was sitting beside Niall, holding his hand. I had noticed the Skyler had joined at was sitting close to Harry. Liam and Emma had joined us as well as Aussie's brother and Grace.

I didn't know how to start so I just started talking, "Up until I auditioned for the X-Factor I was the perfect angel. I never sinned before; I didn't drink, I didn't smoke, I didn't have sex, and I didn't cuss. One night while we were at a signing, still during the X-Factor tour, this girl walked up to me and she said 'you are my life mate'. I didn't know what that was at the time but Liam heard he tell me this and told me it was the vampire version of a mate. I was actually happy that I was someone's mate. I found out the girl's name was Perrie. The two of us started dating and went on a couple of dates. One night we were, well we were making out and things started to get heated. I was still an angel at this time but had urges. The two of us ended up having sex. This was my first sin, but it also happened to be my second sin as well. The both of us were young and niave and didn't think a vampire and an angel could have kids together since some spieces can't. We were wrong and Perrie got pregnant. One night, Perrie and I were walking downtown in my hometown of Bradford when this man walked up to me. He looked me in the eye and said, 'I am Lucifer and I want you to join me Zayn'. When angels are banished, Lucifer makes then join as one of his followers. I refused him and walked away, holding onto Perrie tightly. That night I was in bed next to Perrie and got up to use the bathroom. When I walked back she was gone and in her place there was a note that read 'Join me and you can have your mate and baby back'. I was so broken. The two most important things were taken away from me. I looked for them for months but was finally told to give up, that they were gone, that they were dead. I knew they weren't thought. I knew Perrie was alive. I wanted to keep looking but I wasn't allowed to. I know she is still alive, I can feel here still. I don't know about our baby though. I have no clue if he or she is alive or dead." I finished. Telling them was a lot easier than I expected.

I looked at the faces of everyone who were still around the small fire; they had had saddened or pained looks on their faces. I looked back at Aussie, Grace, Skyler, and Emma. They were all crying on their mate's shoulder. I then felt my eyes filling up with tears. Aussie then stood up, walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"We will get them back Zayn. I promise." She whispered to me

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