The King Killer is the Devil

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Just a reminder that Ed is no longer the devil now it's the guy who plays Jamie Lannister in GoT.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn asked the Jamie Lannister look a like.  It was a bit confusing. I wanted to call him King Killer. 

"You are Lucifer?" I asked, pointed to the blonde man standing before us.

"Yes, yes I am." He responded.

"I'll ask you again. What are you doing here?" Zayn growled out. The skies started to grow cloudy and darker, if that was even possible since it was already night.  I was actually afraid of him for a little bit.

"I just wanted to stop by and see if you have ever thought about my offer." King Killer said.

"No, I have not thought about it." Zayn said, glaring at Ed.

"Well that is too bad. What about you lovely life mate? And your child?"

"M-my child?" Zayn asked, his face softening somewhat.

"Yes, she is quite a cute infant."

"I have a daughter."

"Yes, you daughter is fine. However, Perrie is slowly dying." Jamie Lannister said, smirking at Zayn. We all knew what was happening. When a vampire finds its life mate, mates with the life mate, then is away from the life mate, the vampire begins to weaken. It was like not getting enough blood but worse.

This news made Zayn look guilty. We all knew that he was having his own internal conflict. He was deciding whether or not to go with the man.

"Why do you want me so bad?" Zayn asked.

"You may not realize it but you are a very powerful angel. With your power, I will accomplish great things." He said in a tone that made it seem obvious.

"What's so special about my powers?"

"Zayn, you have the power to make the good turn evil, to make the strong become stronger. You have the power for evil to rise above the good. You have the ability to make the good turn evil. Your powers have no limits." The man explained. All of us were very surprised by this. We didn't know it was possible for something like that to happen. Everyone was speechless.

"Give me a week to decide." Zayn finally said, breaking the silence. Everyone in our group looked at him with shocked and surprised faces.

"Very well." The King Killer said then disappeared. Adam and Harry shifted back into their human forms.

"I will get her back for you." I whispered in his ear, making sure he was the only would that would be able to hear it.

"What are we going to do?" Niall asked.

"What's the plan sis?" Skyler asked. I knew this would irritate Harry. Skyler was our best pack fighter aside from Blake.

"You are doing nothing." Harry growled.

"Um, yes I am."

"I will not let you." Harry stated, crossing his arms.

"Harry, I am going to help. I am the best pack fighter." Skyler said, also crossing her arms.

"You are not doing this."

"Yes I am."

"No." Harry growled. This went on for a few more minutes until Adam stepped in.

"Stop!" He shouted, using his alpha command. It seemed like everything around us stopped moving.

"Harry, Skyler is our best fighter. I know you won't like it but we need her. We will start planning in the morning. Training will start Tuesday." Adam stated, "Now get some sleep everyone." He said, turning away, grabbing Grace, and walking to their room.

We all parted ways and went back to our room. Niall and I were walking hand in hand.

"Um, Aussie, I have a question." Niall said as we made our way to my room.

"Ask away." I smiled at him and sat on my bed.

"Will you mark me?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"W-what?" I asked dumbfounded, "You want me to mark you?"

"Yes. I think if you mark me while all this drama is going on it will help us keep tabs on each other better." Niall said, fiddling with his hand.

"Niall, I'm willing to mark you but there is a loophole to this." I said and pulled him down on the bed with me.

"What is it?"

"If something happens to one of us, the other will be able to feel it as if it was happening to us." This made him look confused so I explained, "Let's say that you are shot in the arm. I will feel the pain you feel."

"I understand; I still want to do this. I know we will be able to communicate through the pack link as well."

"Are you 100% sure? If we do this we also have to mate or I will go into heat during all of this. That would not be a good idea." I said, looking into his eyes again.

"I'm more than 100% sure." He said, also looking into my eyes.

Author's Note:

Hello awesome nerds! So here is the new chapter!! Not the best chapter in the world. Tell me what y'all think.

Love you awesome nerds

Note 8/2/14 : I just want to say please do not take it the wrong way when I wrote Ed as the devil. I love him, I'm obsessed with him. I wrote this this way to change it up a bit. I wanted someone to be the bad guy that you wouldn't expect to be the bad guy. I didnt mean anything bad against fingers either with the "No Soul" thing. I honestly didnt even think of that when I wrote the chapter.

Note 8/2/2016: Kinda weird that I'm making a note exactly two years apart but oh well. I just wanted to remind everyone again ED SHEERAN IS NO LONGER LUCIFER.

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