The Interviews

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Niall and I were staying another week in Ireland. We had already been there for one week but Niall missed his family so he wanted to stay. I was completely ok with that too. I had grown to love his family. We spent one day with Niall's mom then one day with his dad. One evening I met his whole family, they were awesome. They all had the same humor Niall had.

                Today was the first day of our second week here. Does that make sense? Anyway, Niall was on the phone with his management, AKA Uncle Simon.

                "Aussie, Uncle Simon says that he wanted us to do a couple of interviews." He said once he hung up. I almost expected this but not really.

                "Oh, alright," I said, setting down my phone, "When does he want us to do them?" I asked with my hands on my belly. Even though I was probably a month and a half along I had a baby bump; remember I am having four babies and a werewolves pregnancy isn't as long as a humans so they were getting big already.

                "He said he wanted us to do one tonight for a human show and one tomorrow for a supernatural show." He said, it sounded weird but supernatural beings did have separate television shows than humans. There were some things that wouldn't make sense on a human show.

                "Alright, what time is the one tonight?" I asked him.

                "It's a seven tonight," He said, putting his head on my belly. I thought it was cute when he did this. I really don't know why he did it though, one morning I woke up and he had his head on my belly so I was like oooook then. It was only three o'clock so I had some time before I had to get ready.

                "What do we tell them?" I asked, thinking about the humans and my obvious baby bump.

                "I haven't really thought of that," Niall admitted, "How about we don't say anything yet?" I looked at him weird, "Well, if you wore a loose top or a sweater of some sort it would cover up the babies."

                "When did you get so smart," I smirked at him.

                "Babe, I've always been smart." He laughed and pecked me on the lips.

                "When are you going to tell your family?" Niall asked gesturing to my engagement ring.

                "I thought I would tell them when we got home. I didn't really want to tell them over the phone." I said and started to play with it.

                "Ok babe, whatever you want to do." He smiled at me. "Do you know when you want to get married?"

                "Well, I kinda want it to be after the babies are born and I've always wanted a fall wedding that was outside." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

                "How about we have it right before Halloween?"

                "Perfect," I smiled again. This boy made me extremely happy.

                "Come on," He said sitting up and pulling me up with him, "I'm going to run you a bath." He said.

                "You really don't have to do that." I said, knowing that I actually really wanted a nice bath.

                "Well, I'm doing it. You will even have your own personal DJ." He smirked. He took me upstairs to the bathroom and started to run the water and fill the tub with bubbles. Once it was completely full he ordered me to strip. While I was taking my clothes off and got into the tub. Niall soon came back with his guitar and sat on the toilet.

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