Meet the Parents

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry! This chapter just sucks ass!!! and I apologize if I offend anyone with something that is said later in the chapter. Please forgive me!!

                "Baby, it's time to wake up." I heard a sexy Irish voice say, "Baaaaby, we have to leave for our flight." The voice said. I slightly opened one of my eyes and saw my very sexy mate leaning over me. He started pressing kisses around my face, "Babe, come on let's take a shower and get ready for our flight."

                "I don't wanna get up." I groaned and attempted to pull the covers over my head.

                "Nope you have to get up." He said and pulled the covers back. I kept a hold of the covers but he kept pulling. He sighed and I thought he had given up. I felt his side of the covers lift up and him crawl under. I hoped he would go back to sleep but he didn't, he started kissing the back of my neck. He rested his arm on my waist and started to gently rub. Damn him, he was starting to wake me more awake.

                "I hate you." I growled at him. I felt him smile onto my neck.

                "No you don't." He smiled. I turned over to face him and started kissing his neck. I smiled when I felt him become hard. This was going to be good.

                "Well, I'm gonna go get in the shower." I said quickly and ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

                "I hate when you do that." He grumbled. I could just imagine him leaning against the bed with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. Then I remembered with the pack link we could send images to another member. I brushed my teeth quickly after turning the water on. I stepped in and let the water run over my body. I sent Niall an image of what it looked like through the link then heard pounding on the door.

                "Austin Grace Martin, I will break this door down." He threated. He sounded really freaking sexy. I rubbed some shampoo into my hair and sent him another image. I then heard the sound of wood cracking. When I opened my eyes I noticed a very sexually frustrated and a very naked Niall standing outside of the shower. I smirked at him and watched as he stepped into the shower also smirking

(rest continued as restricted)

                We finished our shower and I put on a pair of black lace underwear and some of Niall's black sweatpants, a lime green Avengers razorback tank top, and a pair of lime green Spruas. Niall put on his gray sweatpants, a gray t-shirt, black Spruas, and his red snapback.

                Niall grabbed both of our bags and took them downstairs. A very tired Adam and Grace were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us. They were taking us to the airport because we didn't want to leave a car there.

                "Let's go." Adam growled. He was not a morning person at all unlike his little mate who looks like she's had four cups of coffee. She probably hasn't even been to sleep yet. On the way to the airport he stopped at Starbucks. Luckily, we had enough time to stop. We were now arriving to the airport. Adam pulled up to the curve and helped Niall get our bags out. While they were doing that I was hugging Grace goodbye. Adam sat my bag down and hugged me.

                "I know you won't be gone long but I'll still miss you." He said into my ear.

                "I'll miss you too." I said back. Niall then hugged Grace and shook Adam's hand and we went to check our bags. Niall had on a hoodie and had a pair of sunglasses on so people wouldn't recognize him. We then got our tickets and went through security. I grabbed by backpack that had my computer in it and my purse.

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