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Niall and I were still lying in bed at ten in the morning. We had a baby doctor appointment later today but I really wanted to laying bed. When wolves become pregnant their birth last three months shorter than a human's term, the bad thing about that though is the last three months have to spent in wolf form. Our wolves are stronger than we are and if we were to stay in human form we could get hurt from the baby kicking. Our appointment was at noon so we needed to get dressed soon.

                "Hey Aussie," Niall said, tearing my attention away from the TV.

                "Yeah Niall," I said looking at him.

                "Do you want a boy or girl?" He asked.

                "I kinda want a boy." I said, placing my hand on my belly. I wanted a girl so I wouldn't have to put up with mood swings all the time. When Skyler and I started our periods we were at each other's throats all the time. Adam and Blake had to break us up multiple times.

                "I want a girl," He said smiling. He has mentioned this more than once. He said he wanted his little princess that he can spoil her. I thought that was adorable.

                "What if we have both?"

                "Then that would be great!" He said with an even bigger smile on his face.

                "What about names?"

                "How about you come up with a boy's name and I'll come up with a girl's name." He suggested.

                "That sounds good to me." I said then started to think. Right now I couldn't think of any names. When I was younger I had also thought about what my child's name would be but now that I'm actually going to have a baby I couldn't decide.

                "I can't think of anything." Niall groaned.

                "Me either!" I groaned as well.

                "Well let's go take a shower and get ready for the appointment." He said then pulled me up.

                I stood up and Niall picked me up and carried me into the bathroom. We stripped ourselves of our clothes and stepped in. We had already brushed our teeth when we woke up. We cleaned ourselves, got out, dried off, and got dressed. I put on an old Jack Daniels sweater and pushed the sleeves up and some yellow shorts. I threw on my really old gray converses and put on a black and white beanie. Niall put on some jeans, a t-shirt that has a hat, mustache, and bowtie on it. He put on a gray sweater thing over that. Once we got ready we went down to the living room after grabbing my purse. Everyone was there. Zayn and Perrie were playing with Sophia. Zayn had a huge smile on his face; he was happy to finally have his family back. Alyssa and Louis were arguing if Superman or Captain America was better. Skyler and Harry were watching a movie with Liam and Emma. Adam and Grace were doing God knows what. (what Aussie is wearing on the side)

                I noticed Skyler was looking at me then heard her say, "You know there are some days where I look at Aussie and think to myself 'damn I look good'. 

                    "Funny, I think the same thing."  Everyone started laughing at our comments except Liam.

                 "I don't get it." He said.

                 "You know, because we're identical." We said at the same time and I could literally feel like I saw a lightbulb go off over his head.

Niall Horan Is My Mate (editing complete)Where stories live. Discover now