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This is going to be a severally edited chapter. There was some super weird and confusing stuff going on and I'm editing all of that out. 

Niall took about two seconds running up to the room.

 "What's wrong? Are you ok? Are the babies ok?" He asked really fast.

"I'm fine, come here though." I said and held out a hand for him. He walked over and sat on the bed beside me.

"What is it?" He asked, I didn't say anything, just put his hand on my belly.

 "Alright babies, remember what I told you be nice to daddy." I told them and felt one kick, Niall felt it too. His face lit up.

"Just wait," I said, "Can each of you kick once please?" I asked them. It was like before. One would kick then there would be a few seconds then another would kick. It went the same as before. When they got to the fourth kick Niall waited a bit.

"Yeah, there was fo-," He said then felt one more kick.

                "A-are there five?" He asked, looking up at me. I felt one kick.

                "One kick means yes." I told him with a big smile on his face.

                "Could we find out what we are having?"

                "Um, let's see." I said then thought how we could figure out, "Alright babies. Kick for how many girls." I told them and felt two kicks. There were two girls.

                "So three boys?" I asked them and felt one kick. I looked up at Niall and he had a big smile on his face.

                "I don't want to tell everyone." I told him, "I feel like everyone will be watching me 24/7."

                "Babe, everyone is going to be looking at you 24/7 anyway."

                "I know, but if they find out we're having five babies everyone will be ridiculous."

                "Alright, baby that's fine with me. But I hope you know I'm not letting you do anything." He smiled at me then kissed my forehead.

                "I know," I pouted.

*skip ahead a couple of months* From here down is where most of the major editing took place.

                Today I was four months pregnant and I was huge.  I had already picked out a wedding dress and bride's maid dresses. There dresses were light blue and had a darker blue ribbon around the waist. I almost went bridezilla on them because they wanted different dresses but the same color and I didn't want that, I think it looks tacky. I finally got my way with that. Grace and the other girls were in charge of everything else. They were picking out the venue, even though I just wanted it in the back yard, to which they eventually gave into; they were picking out the flowers and everything else. Niall was helping pick out the cake though.

                We were currently in my room and Niall had his head resting on my belly, singing to the babies softly. We had picked out a name for the other baby boy, David after my dad. We still haven't told anyone about it. Well, I accidentally let it slip to Ally one time but I made her promise that she wouldn't tell. Now every time I see her it looks like she's about to bust.

                "Niall, ." I started to say, wanting to tell him that I needed to pee.

                "What?! Your water broke already, come on get up!" He said, jumping off the bed while I stayed on it laughing.

Niall Horan Is My Mate (editing complete)Where stories live. Discover now