More Family Time

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My aunt and uncle stayed for a little while longer but eventually had to leave. Aunt Marie said that they would be staying at a hotel at the edge of the territory line. Soon after they left there was another knock on the door.

                “Who is it now?” I groaned, leaning my head against the couch. I heard Louis yell from in the kitchen that he would get the door.

                “Maura! Greg! Bobby!” He yelled. I looked at Niall and he had huge eyes but he also had a huge smile on his face. He sat Storm on the couch beside me and walked into the entry way.

                “Mum, Dad, you are early.” I heard him say.

                “Well, we wanted to surprise you.”

                “In other words she wanted to see her grandchildren.”

                “Um, yeah about that,”

                “What’s wrong? Are they ok?” Maura asks really fast.

                “Yes, they are fine.” He said.

                “Well, take us to them.” She said and I heard a smack.

                “Ow, Mum!” This made everyone in the living room laugh.

                Niall came in with Maura, Bobby, and Greg. Once Maura saw me on the couch she ran over. She scooped Storm up in her arms.

                “Is this Starr or Storm?” She asks, smiling down at her.

                “That is Storm, this is Starr.” I said smiling at my soon to be mother-in-law.

                “They are both beautiful. They are a perfect mix of you and Niall. Where are the other two?” She asks.

                “Hold on,” I told her. Grace and Adam took Dalton to clean him up, he threw up on himself. Grace wasn’t too happy about that because some of it got on her. Dustin and David were in the kitchen with Harry and Skyler. Blake and Krysta left right after my aunt and uncle left. I had a feeling they were having ‘alone time’.

                “Niall’s family is here. Can you bring them to the living room?” I sent to Skyler and Adam through the link.

                “They will be here in a few minutes.” I smiled at Maura.

                “Niall, go help your brother and father with the cribs and car seats.” Maura told Niall. They all left and went outside. When they were outside Adam, Grace, and Harry and Skyler came into the living room.

                “Harry, I’m sure you know Maura. Adam, Grace, and Skyler, this is Niall’s mom, Maura. Maura this is my twin brother, Adam, his mate Grace, and my twin sister Skyler. I have another brother but he is with his mate right now.” I said. Maura greeted them all.

                “Um, Austin, why do I see three babies that look like you and Niall?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

                “Well, we thought we would just be having four babies but it turned out to be five.” I said sheepishly.

                Maura nodded and called my siblings over to look at my baby boys, “Oh my goodness, Dalton looks just like Niall did as a baby.” She said, laughing.

Niall Horan Is My Mate (editing complete)Where stories live. Discover now