The Pack Link

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to AshaliThorne! She sent in a one shot about Blake!! It was pretty awesome and is gonna be used as a chapter. You can still send in one shots about Niall and Aussie, Skyler and Harry, Adam and Grace, Zayn and Perrie (before the kidnapping), or even Alpha Martin and the quads mom (who hasn't been named). Alright awesome nerds, read on!

There were about 125 men left in the room after the meeting. It wasn't just werewolves that were left. We have members of every species besides werewolf, vampire, siren, and fairy.

                "Alright, tonight Austin and I will make a plan. Tomorrow we will go over the plan and start training. Austin and Skyler will be coming with us." He pointed out, "They will be training as well and also helping. Let me make one more thing clear then you can all leave. If you back out now or tomorrow nothing will happen; however, if you wait a day before we go to battle, there will be consequences."

                All the men in the room understood this. This pack sticks together no matter what and when someone backs out without notice hours before it hurts the pack.

                "Now you may leave." Adam said, motioning towards the door. Two minutes late the only ones in the foyer of the house were me, my siblings, the boys, Grace, and Emma.

                "Alright, let's start coming up with a plan for this thing." Adam said, leading us to his office.

                Once we got there it was quiet for a few minutes. Everyone just looking at each other, waiting for someone to talk.

                "Do you think we should have Uncle Simon help us?" Blake asked, finally breaking the silence.

                "Well, his pack is bigger than ours and they have more fighters." I started to say then looked at Adam, "What do you think, you're the Alpha."

                "I'll call him and have him come." He said after thinking for a few minutes. "Everyone can go take a break for now. I will call Simon."

                We all left the large office. I took Niall's hand and led him to my room. I wanted him to myself for a little while. Once we got to the room Niall didn't waste any time. He quickly pressed his lips against mine and backed me against the door. He attempted to deepen the kiss but I pushed him back.

                "We can't do that right now." I panted, keeping my eyes on his lips.

                "Why not?" He pouted, looking very adorable yet also very sexy.

                "We have to go back in a little while." I said, smiling at his ability to look adorable and sexy at the same time.

                Hearing this piece of news made him groan, "I guess you're right." He said and walked over to my bed.

                "Niall, there is something I want to talk to you about." I said, remembering I really needed to tell him something.

                "What is it? Are you ok?" He asked, looking worried.

                "I'm fine but if you are going to be my mate we need to officially accept you as a pack member." I explained.

                "Well, how do we do that?"

                "I say some words, you say you agree with the rules, and I create a pack link with you." I said, listing off the things I had to do.

                "Alright, let's do it then." He smiled at me.

                "Ok." I said. I sat on my bed, sitting with my legs crossed. Niall sat in front of me the same way. "Niall James Horan, do you promise to obey to the laws of this back, the Lakewood Pack? Do you promise to follow orders from the Alpha of this pack? Do you promise not to, in any way or form, deceive this pack? If you agree to keep to these promises speak now." I said

                "I, Niall Horan, agree to keep to these promises." Niall said, looking me straight in the eyes.

                "I, Beta Austin Grace Martin, officially accept you, Niall Horan, into the Lakewood Pack." I smiled at him.

                He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back real quick and pulled away, making him pout again.

                "I have to create a link with you now." I explained, and then frowned a little, "This normally hurts those accepted into the pack who is not a werewolf." I whispered.

                Niall grabbed ahold of my hand, "Aussie, I trust you. I love you. Plus I want to be able to tell you things without anyone hearing them." He said, winking at me.

                I laughed a bit and hugged him, "I love you too." I then pulled back, "Alright, are you ready?"

                He nodded and I started to focus on his head. I had to make a connection with his thoughts. I saw him kinda wince in pain as I got to his thoughts. There was a barrier put up; there was always one put up at first. I slowly pushed my way through the barrier. I heard Niall start to whimper at the pain. I wasn't even close to being inside his head and that made me feel bad. I dug my way deeper through the barrier. Niall's whimpering started to get louder and I started feeling worse. I was about halfway through the barrier; this was always the worst part. I could feel the barrier starting to crumble as I pushed farther into Niall's thoughts. His whimpers turned into screams and he was holding his head. I made one last quick push through to Niall's thoughts.

                I quickly pulled back and watched him fall back onto the bed, breathing in deeply. I crawled on top of him and laid my head on his chest.

                "I'm sorry Niall." I whispered to him though the new link. Niall looked at me with a surprised face.

                "Did you just-," He started to ask and I nodded, "Aussie?" He asked through the link.

                "Yes?" I answered him.

                "I love you." He said and kissed the top of my head.

                "I love you too." I said out loud. I moved up a little bit on his body and pressed my lips against his. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around my body, making sure I would not move. I brought my hands up to his hair and ran my fingers through it. Niall then lightly bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gave to him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and moved his hands to the bottom of my shirt, starting to lift it up.

                "Uncle Simon is here. Meet in the office." I heard my brother say through the link. I groaned against Niall's lips and pulled back. I climbed off of him and fixed my shirt.

                "Come on let's go see Simon." I said, standing up and looking at him. He was still laid back on my bed.

                "Um, you go on, I'll be there in a bit." He said, slightly blushing. I looked down and saw that his hands were placed over his crotch. I smiled at him.

                "Gonna take yourself a cold shower, eh?" I asked him, making him blush more.

                "Shuddup." He mumbled.

Author's Note: Alright, I hope y'all liked this chapter. I guess it was just kinda a filler chapter. And I may or may not post what was occurring at the end as a restricted chapter, I haven't decided yet.

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Love you awesome nerds <3

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