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I hate Doctors.
Hate is a strong word, and shouldn't be used carelessly, my brother would say, but that won't make me change what I'd just said.

Not dislike...hate. You'd probably feel the same way if you were in my shoes.

A week since I last stepped foot in this seven-storey building, yet as soon as I'm walking my way up the escalator, the feelings of that day that's forever imprinted in my mind, washed over me. I shudder.

The typical hospital smell wash over me and I can't help but feel disgusted. This place brings nothing but bad news to me

Don't worry, I'm not dying... at least not yet. I can't die now—none of my dreams have been fully achieved. I refuse to die as a woman with little to her name.

"Miss, you can leave now. The test results will be out tomorrow "
The lanky man standing in front of me break my train of thoughts with a polite smile and a notepad in his hand.

"It should. After wasting an hour of my time, the least im expecting from you is a swift response". I clicked my tongue and wave my hand which the man took as a cue to leave. I unlocked my phone and logged in to my Gmail to check my inbox.

"Thank you sir."
" that was rude" Sophia whisper beside me. I've almost forgotten she came here with me.

"I don't think you're in the position to tell me that, Sophia," I replied her in a monotone. I've been speaking that way lately, and honestly, that's what bothers me the least. " and why thank him? He did nothing."

Sophia look at me with a weird expression on her face I can't decipher, before raising her brows as if to say 'seriously?' Seeing this, I roll my eyes at her and stride to the door.

On my way out, I pass by a couple, the lady has her head on the man's chest and it seems like she was crying with the constant hiccups and all. She keeps muttering something along the lines of her son being a good boy who didn't drserve the pain he was going through. I look back to read the sign on the door which read 'Emergency Room'.
See? My hatred for hospitals is justifiable.

My feet barely walk ten inches further when my eyes subconsciously dart to my left where a middle-aged man sat, shaking his head rigorously. There was a thick paper in his hand which I assume to be a picture. He clutches this picture close to his chest, and this flashed a memory in my mind.
Denial. That's what it is.
The man is currently passing through the first stage of grief—that, I could tell as much.

No one knows that feeling better than I do. Absolutely no one.

Do you now see reason with me why no sane person would want to come here? If you still don't get it, I don't know what else to tell you to make you see the reality.

I lead the way in the direction of where I'd previously parked the car, and...wait.
"Where's the car?"
I whirl around to face Sophia, and with one look at her face, I know I'm not going to like whatever comes out from her mouth any minute from now.

"Sophia, Where's the car?"

"Uh, I...Ummi-"

My blood instantly become cold and I can feel the emotions I've struggled to keep away, trying to surface.

" Ummi what?"

"Um...mi asked-"

"Speak up will you? Where the fuck is my car?"

Sophie flashed me her patronising smile which does nothing to the rage building up in me at the moment.
" Ummi told the driver to pick her up at the mall before your appointment is over. She said that it was only going to take ten minutes".
Why does her trembling voice feels oddly satisfying?
Wait a minute-

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