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        LAIQA'S PIC👆

I sat down on the bed revising my scripts. There was a new program that would be airing later this week and I had been appointed by the director to be the host. 'getting out of your comfort zone', he had said.

In the four years that I've been working there , I've always been behind the camera. This would be my first time, and probably the last time that I'll be showing up on air and working with the media. I'm planning on leaving and pursuing my dreams.
Just a month left, I'm definitely sure I could endure that.

A knock disturbed my rehearsals and I told the person at the door to come in.
"hey Auntie Huda, I am visiting a friend and hoping that you could accompany me", Ayesha announced walking in the direction of my wardrobe.

"sorry, but I don't feel like going out," I replied my eyes trained on her movements.

She pretended to not have heard me as she rummage through my clothes, and pulled out a dress assessing it. Shaking her head, pulled another one out of my collections.

"what are you doing? I'm not going out and it's final. You aren't changing my mind ", I ordered and watched as she paused momentarily before continuing with her actions.

She could be stubborn when she wants.

" masha Allah! Would you look at this creation? It's perfect ", she chirped, holding up a dress.
She turned, allowing me to see what was in her hands.
" that's an Abaya", I said flatly.
There is nothing special about a dress.

Watching as her face morph into that of disbelief, I continued my practice until I heard her shrill voice.
"No! You're coming with me because I refuse to let you wallow in loneliness", she declared.
"who says I'm lonely? I'm very much occupied if you hadn't noticed ", I retorted.

I was bent on staying within the four corners of my room;the only place I could ever call mine.
Thinking she was going to reply back, I was surprised to see her shoulders dropped in disappointment, and she returned the dress to its place leaving the room.

I instantly felt bad. Here, someone cared about me but I'm pushing her away. I can't even bring myself to be civil with anyone... I'm a bad person who only derived joy in seeing others in pain.

I can't breathe... Everything's messed up. I'm the cause of the problems of everyone around me. I need to leave.

I hadn't realized that my feet had led me to the wardrobe. Pulling out some clothes and undergarments, I put them in a bag. Grabbing my toiletries and other miscellaneous belongings, I made sure to only take things that were mine to begin with.

Glancing at my room one last time, I turned to go when something bright caught my eye. Moving forward, I picked up the piece of paper on the floor.
The stranger's complementary card;it must have fallen off when I was packing the bag.

I shoved the paper in my bag and left the room leaving my bags. I needed to have a conversation with Abu first.

On my way, I saw Laiqa and Tahira talking with their mother. Just before I could turn my eyes elsewhere, our gazes met and she opened her mouth like she was going to speak.

I walked away, I don't want to hear whatever trash it is that would come out of her mouth. She had struck me enough in places that hurt.

"Huda? ", I heard Tahira call, but I ignored her and stood in front the golden brown mahogany door.

Knocking, I said the taslim loud enough for anyone behind the door to hear, and Abu's reply came through.

I entered the room closing the door behind me. Abu sat on his chair reading the newspaper, his reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose in a peculiar way.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now