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"where's the tea?"
"I think they're almost here!"
" Subhanallah! Why are the cookies not yet out ?"

I had woken up for the second time today due to the various voices of the people in the mansion. I usually get back to sleep after saying my Fajr prayers. Dragging myself out of bed, I followed the direction of the screaming, argument and whispers.

Reaching the kitchen, maids were working fast, and surprisingly Surayyah; the first daughter of Abu was giving orders.
I know for a fact that she never stepped foot in the kitchen ever since she got married.
The maids were always at her beck and call.

Scanning the living room area where some of the aunties stood whispering among themselves while keeping an eye on the girls decorating the garden and surroundings.

What is going on?
Just then, Surayyah noticed me and waved. I merely stared at her wondering why the sudden acknowledgement. As far as I remembered, we weren't on good terms.

"Huda, I see you've woken up. Coffee?", a soft voice spoke and I swiftly turned.

"Anisa. Explain to me why the mansion is in a frenzy. What's the occasion?".

Looking at her intently, I saw her quietly take a breath before pushing away the curly strand of her from her face.
"oh Huda, it's... An Engagement "
" Okay. Whose engagement?", I questioned and she paled.

The family was blessed with girls. Specifically, six females against two males. With one of the girls married, the aunties were hunting down the perfect partners for the rest. I kind of expected it though.
" Tahira and Laiqa "
" What!"
Giving out a sister of mine to a stranger was already bad, and now that they were two. I wasn't going to sit and watch them marry some guy who doesn't deserve them.

Running towards the stairs, I made my way to Tahira's room which was adjacent to mine. Barging into the room, the rest of the girls were already present.
They had on a look of shock and surprise.

Laiqa was already dressed in a bottle-green gown, and Ayesha was making her hijab. Tahira was on the other side of the room where a lady was applying makeup on her face. She wore a similar dress to Laiqa, but hers was royal blue.

" I won't let you do this! There will be no engagement!", I spat out angrily and several gasps were heard. By now, I was aware of the presence of two of the aunties; Abu's younger sisters.
"What nonsense are you talking about, child? ", a hoarse voice exclaimed. That was Aunt Ulya.

" There is no way I am going to let you ruin my sister's life. I won't let that happen! ", I continued.
The shock was written all over their faces. It was like they were given a slap on their faces. Even Aunt Nana; the patient's Aunt, seemed to be angry.

" Huda, have you gone crazy? Talking to everyone like that? What's your problem?", Tahira said. Her tone was slightly angry.
Well, I don't care about that.
My voice hardened, "No. Unfortunately for you, I am still very much sane".

" if you have a problem with yourself, then deal with it. But, I won't let you get in the way of my sister's happiness. You're being sadistic ", sneered Surayyah who had now entered the room.

I knew she was being fake earlier. They were all talented actresses.
" I am not the one who is going to regret it later on, keep that in mind Surayyah. Tahira and Laiqa are my sisters, and it's my responsibility to keep them away from harm-"

"Huda, don't say a word anymore!", Aunt Ulya said trying to pull me away from Surayyah.
"Why Aunt Ulya? Let me speak to my satisfaction. I am not someone to back down and not the girl you think I am".

"that's selfish of you, Huda. You are trying to take away your so-called sisters' happiness. Is that really how low you've become?". This time, it was Aunt Nana who spoke.
Why on earth is everyone thinking that I'm taking away my sister's joy?
"Nothing - "
" Will you all please stop?", a meek voice rang out.
" Tahira-", I tried making her see reason, but she cut me off.
"Huda please? Do not ruin this day for me. I made my decision, and I am very sure that I won't regret it, so stop trying to cause chaos in this family ".

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now