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I never thought I'll be back here so soon.
Paying my bill, I strolled out of the bar clutching my purse tight to my chest. My headaches and so also my heart.
The former is obviously due to my heavy drinking, and the latter? Well, I don't want to talk about it.

It's been hours since I stormed out of the mansion. Don't ask me how the engagement went 'cause I still feel mad about it.
The wedding is in two weeks. I guess they are in a rush to change their marital status.

What baffled me was the choice of Tahira's spouse. The guy hooks up with everything that wears a skirt.
Weird right? Too bad that I know his personality.
But no one would listen to me, right? I was told to get out of their lives.
Am I that pathetic?

And Laiqa's? Well, he looked decent, but something was off about him. Call it instinct or whatever, but I know when someone is genuine or not. And I have never been wrong in my personality judgment if that exists.

I continued to wander down the street. How could I have forgotten the address of the mansion? This was my first time of forgetfulness and foolishness, and it's all because of them.

If I hadn't been pissed off, then I wouldn't be out on a dark street probably filled with morons out there with shoes in my hand, and my car parked somewhere I can't even recall.

I guess I'm pretty much wasted.
Thankfully, the guy at the bar didn't question why a lady with a scarf on her head was in a bar ordering alcohol.
And even though he did, I would have ignored him and pretended not to have heard.

I did feel bad, though. I was sinning while putting on a symbol of modesty.

Sometimes, I wonder if my name was already on the list of those going to hell because even I can't forgive myself for what I'm doing.

Passing by a masculine figure standing near a car. I thought of asking for a ride back to the street where I can at least take a cab to a hotel for the night.

I hesitated. What if he was some kind of rapist or something. With the way my head was throbbing, I don't think I have the energy to defend myself if he decides to do something.

Argh! What did I get myself into?
I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. He was talking to someone on the phone. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked in my direction.

Quickly shifting my attention to the car behind him, I internally groaned. He had seen me looking at him so openly and raised an eyebrow.
Astaghfirullah! Where are my manners?
Now how was I supposed to approach him? This was bad... Very bad.

'You're talking about manners when you're the one in a bar just a few minutes ago my inner self taunts.

I think I just discovered a fun fact about myself. I talk to myself a lot more than usual when I'm drunk and stressed out and my hair feels heavy.
Poor curls! They were probably suffocating under the pressure of my hijab cap.

Okay... that's it! My ramblings are getting weird.

"excuse me miss, are you looking for someone? ", a clear voice spoke, and I instantly turned looking around for the source.
" miss? Are you alright? ", the same voice questioned and I slap my cold face with my left hand.
How embarrassing!

" sorry... Can you please give me a ride to the nearest bus stop? ", my voice came out calm and I mentally pat myself on the back.

A good job is done on not making a fool out of myself in front of a stranger.

The stranger seemed to be analyzing me, and possibly my mental health as I felt myself getting spacing out. This was one of the side effects of intoxication.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now