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Ever since she had graced us with her presence, the mansion had been bustling. All the staffs were walking on eggshells around her as she is very volatile. I tried my best to avoid her, but she was pretty determined to stick to me.

But what can I do? Grandma had been chattering nonstop about the big family reunion. Her excitement about the wedding was starting to give me goosebumps.

"put those over there, will you?"
"ma'am, what about these? "
" right, place them in the glass jar upstairs, " the voice commanded.
I sat down on a chair and watched her as she barked out various orders to the poor maids.

" Huda, go call the wedding planner and book an appointment to speak with her before the wedding. Every thing needs to be perfect, okay? Now hurry! "

I don't think I need to brief you more about her, she's every bad luck in this city combined, and grandma's youngest daughter.
My mortal enemy since birth.

All she ever does since I was little was order me around even when it was something insignificant and the other girls could do it. It's like I'm a curse in her life just like she is in mine.

"sure, " I said walking away.
" wait-" she said and I halt, "-we need to discuss something later, okay?"
Now this is something I don't hear everyday .
"yes Aunt, " I said flatly walking away.

Halfway through the stairs, I saw Laiqa speaking to someone on the phone furiously. She noticed my presence then rolled her eyes, and entered her room, slamming the door.

Like I care,
Since Aunt Maria's sudden arrival yesterday, I've been on full alert mode. I knew she was up to no good, and now, her sudden civil behaviour towards me proves it.
Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, Aunt?

The wedding planner's number was switched off and I tried calling it again after few minutes. I don't even know why I am stressing myself over them.

The least they should be expecting from me is a helping hand, considering all the favours that I've done for them and still facing the consequences of my decisions.

Hissing, I adjusted the shawl around my shoulder and walked to my room. Halfway, I saw Aunt Maria walking in my direction and speaking with someone on the phone.

I quickly turn to the left to avoid her, hoping she didn't see me.

"Huda, "
Well, did I forget that she had all the characteristics of an eagle?

Slowly, I faced her waiting for her to speak. I'm very sure that no words from her mouth could affect me any longer.

" let's talk, "
" I'm sorry aunt, but can we do that later in the day? I'm kind of busy, " I tried my best to sound apologetic.

" I didn't ask for your opinion, Let's go, " she commanded and I grind my teeth in anger.

She led the way to her room which was opposite Grandma's. Opening the door of, she entered and I trailed behind her uttering a teslim.
I didn't bother closing the door as I it was a habit of hers to leave the door ajar.

I sat down on the chair in the room while she sat down on the bed, crossing her legs.
"your sisters are going to get married in few days, what are your thoughts on it?"

I smirked, "should I be honest and tell you how I feel? Or should I say what someone else in my position would have said?"
She looked at me intently, raising her eyebrow. That was a sign telling me to continue, so I did.

"I feel like crashing the wedding and embarrassing Sama and her daughters. I want to watch them cry in pain and agony as I slowly accomplish my plan to make her pay for everything she's ever done to me. I want Laiqa and Tahira to experience what I've been through, and even more, "

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now