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I looked out through the balcony at the ongoing celebration. Today is the wedding and they've just concluded the Nika'ah at the Masjid. Everyone was in a joyous mood, and chatting with one another.

I spot Tahira and her newly wedded husband who sat down and was being fed sweets by some Aunties. Laika and her husband were also being treated the same as they sat adjacent to them.

Closing the door to my balcony, I dropped down on my bed. My brain was in a constant battle with my heart. I should feel happy and relieved that both of them were married and would be moving out, but I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to accept reality...my fate.

The last conversation I had with Mahdi was enough to deprive me of sleep. Many disturbing thoughts filled my head and my memories kept coming back with great force. I don't know what to do anymore.

Two days ago when I'd fallen off the stairs, I had woken up to find my bed surrounded by everyone. I was shocked, to say the least. I had no idea when I blurted out my thoughts.

" Why are you all here?" I had asked before realising where I was.
Even Sama was present, which was rare as she hates hospitals, and always avoided what would demand her presence in one.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and I noticed everyone was walking on eggshells around me. It was like I was a ticking bomb that would go off at any moment.

Not until Mahdi summoned me aside and dropped the bomb before I realise why.
" what!"

" Huda, I need you to please listen to me. This is for your good. I can't bear to see you suffering in silence any longer, " he had pulled me closer and begged.

I was confused, why was he bringing up this matter again, especially now.

" is your mum forcing you to persuade me?" I asked in disbelief.

I watched as he quickly shook his head in denial, and that only confused me further.

" then why are you suddenly proposing the idea of marriage to me?"

" Huda-" he gripped my shoulders.
"- I want you to trust me, okay? Believe me, we only want the best for you after everything you've been through "

I slowly bobbed my head. This was Mahdi after all, he would never make a decision that would hurt me.
" okay- " I gulped down my fears.
"- who's the guy? Do I know him? Have we met before? How-"

" take a deep breath is. Yes, you've both met before, and it's okay if you have someone else in mind. I just want you to come off the shell you've been hiding in".

Ironically, he was the one who needed to take a deep breath as he was everything in a single breath.

I raised my eyebrow at his words.
" really?"
" yes," he answered almost immediately.
I sighed. " who's the guy? What's his name and source of living?"

" He's been my close friend since med school. His name is Yusuf Ahmad and he's a medical doctor. He's also a therapist ".

I stood frozen, eyes widening at the information. No way...he couldn't be who I think he is.
" wait, does he happen to work at the new hospital before Fadil's workplace?"

" yes, you've met him before right?"

" yeah...he was-" I shook my head. " he is the new therapist I've been seeing since last week ".

Mahdi let out an inaudible sigh. At least she wasn't saying anything negative about their encounter, and that was a point on Yusuf's part.

" let me think about this, Mahdi. I know you-"

" it's perfectly okay. Take your time, and perform Istikhara. May Allah ease our affairs ".
He drew me closer,         and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I awkwardly patted his back before reciprocating, and just then Aunt Maria interrupted the little moment we were having.

One look at her face, and I knew that she was aware of the conversation I just had with Mahdi. I excused myself and retired back to my room to cool off.

Someone knocked at the door to which I ignore. I close my eyes as the doorknob twisted and the person stepped into my room.
Masculine perfume invaded my nose, and I immediately know who it was.
" hey get up, I know you're faking the sleep," he slightly nudges me.
I groan. " Amir please I want to be alone right now ".

Well someone's here and Mahdi demands your presence.
At this, I cracked open an eye." Who's that?"
I watched as he lazily shrugs and plopped down on the sofa in my room.
" you would know that if you weren't being lazy. Common let's go, I'm eager to know who it is".

Who could it be?

I raked my brain for any likely person to be asking after me. It's a clear fact that I have no friends or acquaintances, at least here in Somalia. And none of my Irish friends would come looking for me here as I had told them the last time we had an encounter that I'll be relocating to the States.

I hesitate before standing up. Walking to my hijab closet, I picked a light brown Jersey hijab, wrapping it around my head.

I was almost at the door when I heard Amir murmur.
" what is it now, Amir?" I threw him an annoyed glance.
" aren't you going to try to look presentable?" He said brushing his hair back with his left hand.
" and why would I do that? I'm not meeting up with the president, am I?"

He squint his eyes and stood up walking towards me. I sigh heavily and anticipated what else he had to say.

Whoever said patience is a virtue had some screws loose in his head.

"At at least wipe that snot away, will you?"

It was my turn to squint my eyes. Unconsciously bringing my right hand to my face, then rolled my eyes at him.

" I've got no time for your jokes, Amir".

Amir might be three years younger than I, but there was a time when we got along so well. People would assume that we wear twins, even with me being a redhead while his hair is jet-black.

But that was then, everything had changed. He's all grown up now, and I even heard him mentioning to Sama about a marriage proposal. I on the other hand have been dealing with a lot of things ever since I officially became an adult.

" Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to cheer you up". His tone made me feel guilty all of a sudden.
" fine, but don't try that joke on me again," I warned and walked out of the room with him trailing after me.

The shoes I wore made a sound against the floor despite it not being a heel. Descending the stairs, I noticed the rose petals scattered on the floor everywhere.
There were three silhouettes; two of which I figured out to be Mahdi and Abu, but the third person seemed unfamiliar to me as he sat with his back facing me.

They were engrossed in a deep conversation until I cleared my voice to announce my presence. Abu and Mahdi gave me a look and if I hadn't been looking at Mahdi so closely, I would have missed the way he gulped.

" well, we'll give you two some privacy, " Abu said and exit the drawing-room with Mahdi following closely behind him.

I wait impatiently for the person to turn around. However, when he did, I wished that he hadn't because I suddenly got tongue-tied.

" Assalam Alaikum Huda," he said smiling.
I continued to stare in shock wondering why he was standing before me.

" Assalam Alaikum, Huda, " he repeated this time his tone a little bit softer.

  Author's Note:

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Have a nice day. Much love,

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now