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Third Person's POV

She watched the busy street from where she sat in the coffee shop. Moments like this were rare for her.
Pure bliss
Even though she had been full of rage minutes ago, surprisingly it had dissipated. Her mind suddenly went blank when the now familiar figure of a little girl waved.


It took her almost a minute for her brain to register the action, and when it did, a tall figure and a smaller one was already at her table.
She gulped.
" hi," she said and waved to the girl who reciprocated the action smiling.


"Assallam Alaikum, " he said pulling out a chair and helping his daughter to sit down.

" Wa Alaikum Salaam, "

Now the dreaded conversation was going to be happening in a few seconds.
While she had been walking to the shop, Mahdi had given her a call informing her of the date Yusuf had agreed on. Due to her hormonal imbalance and mood swings, she had told him to meet up at the coffee shop today instead. Fortunately, he was free and had agreed.

He waved over a waitress to take his order and his daughter's.
" Thank you,"
He opened the tub of ice cream for his daughter pushing it to her front.

" Thank you, daddy," she smiled adorably revealing a dimple. It was only on her right cheek though, Huda noticed as her eyes never wavered from the girl.

" uh...sorry for the sudden decision, " Huda realised that she had been inconsiderate. "It slipped off my mind the nature of your job".

" it's alright. I was going to take Misam to the pack when I got the message anyway, "

The next few seconds were spent in silence. The only sound was the one coming from Yusuf's daughter; Misam who seemed oblivious to what was happening, her attention focused on the tub of ice cream before her.

Huda had no idea what they were supposed to be discussing. Her first marriage was a forceful union under the command of her stepmother.

" let's start by introduction, miss Huda," he said and waited for any objection.
Huda simply nods her head taking in a deep breath. She couldn't believe she was doing this right now.

" My name is Yusuf Zahir. A thirty-two years old psychologist. I'm an Algerian but grew up here in Somalia under my grandparents care. My first wife died four years ago, and Misam will be turning six in a few months".

He looked at her keenly and she took that as a cue for her to speak.

" Huda Sultan. My maternal family are Irish and paternal, Somali. I spent the first ten years of my life in Ireland with my mother and grandparents and moved to Somalia a few months before my mother's death. She was a cancer patient. I've been previously married also and divorced a year ago. I had a daughter; Janan, who's also about Misam's age, but no more –" her voice trembled a bit and she masks it almost immediately.

"A'dhamallāhu ajrak, wa ahsana 'azā'a. May Allāh ta'ālā increase your reward, and grant you good consolation".

"Aameen, " she muttered under her breath.

After some minutes of silence, he cleared his throat, and Huda returned her attention to the conversation.

" Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

" Was there a particular reason you never remarried after her mother's demise, " she lowered her voice and didn't mention the little girl's name fearing she might overhear their conversation.

" it's hard finding someone to love your kid as theirs these days. It never worked out. Then there was this woman who I had no courage to approach 'cause she was just out of a broken marriage then,"

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now