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Ayesha's pic above

"this will be your schedule for this month"
I grab the sheet of paper on the desk and stood up.
"okay," I walked out of the room my mind wandering. I can't help thinking about what happened earlier today.

I had requested for the psychologist whose name and email address was on the card on reaching the location. The receptionist had given me a weird look and I had blankly stared at her in return. Then she motioned for me to wait as she dialed a number.

"miss, Dr. Ahmad have no appointments today, "she said
" tell him that I was referred to him by Dr. Yusuf few days ago, "I replied

At the mention of the name, she cleared her throat awkwardly and did as I said.
" floor number 7, brown door by your left, "she said, and went back to what she was doing.

I took the elevator and turned to my left. Sighing, I had knock twice before pushing the door open.

" good afternoon miss, please have a seat, "he gestured.

The office was well ventilated and had a nice smell. I quickly looked around the office studying it.

Clearing my throat, I spoke," I had an encounter with a certain Dr. Yusuf who supposedly know you few days ago - ", he cut me off.

" yes miss, I'm aware of that. I've been expecting your presence, "

Not knowing how to respond to that, I merely shrugged.
I watched as he brought out a folder, and starting to fill in my details.

" name? ", he asked
" Huda Sultan "
"25 years old, " I answered biting my inner cheek.
" allergies... Phobias? "
" I'm allergic to bananas and animals with fur... I'm acrophobic, "I replied.

The rest of the information were filled including my previous medical records, and I had been told to undergo some tests.

" how are you related to Dr. Yusuf? ", my curiosity had won and I asked
" He is a friend and boss, " he replied and I nod.

Then he received a call and I could tell he wasn't comfortable answering in my presence as he would dart glances at me occasionally, speaking in codes. Abruptly, he ended the call making up an excuse.

Then he handed me my schedule and here I am, standing in front of my car thinking about the weird actions of the psychologist.

' and you complain about Anisa, ' the inner me snickers.

I insert the key into the ignition ready to leave when my phone rings.
"what do you want? " I snapped.
" can we talk? "the last voice that I ever want to hear asked.
" No we can't. Now don't you dare call me again! " I hiss and cut-off the call.

Some people are just so irritating. And the worst part? I've been having encounter with a lot of them lately.

I swerved the car out of the parking lot when a voice suddenly cried out, and I marched the brake instantly.

" what kind of a driver are you? " a tiny voice screeched.

I came out of the car to check on the owner of the voice.
" little girl, where is your guardian? ", I inquired looking around.

" that is none of your business, bad driver! " she stomped off.

' not kids too ', I murmur shaking my head in disbelief.

* * *
I decided to take a look around the city for restaurants who were in need of a chef.
Cooking has always been my passion ever since I could successfully peel an onion without crying a river.
Figured at least if I couldn't own a restaurant yet, I could try and work in one before establishing mine.

"sorry ma'am there are no vacancies for now, "

I had gone to five restaurants and their replies had been on the same line. One of the manager had looked at me before shaking his head in negative. Maybe it was because of the way I dressed?
'Of course' my inner mind sassed.

Trying to apply for a job while dressed in designers was probably not the best idea.

I entered into my car and drove to the nearest mall. Walking along the clothing line, I thought of what dress to buy. I've never bought my clothes myself as I always made Sophia do it so picking up a simple dress was challenging.

Randomly, I picked up five dresses with the lowest price tags and a cheap veil.
These are going to be okay for now.
" I'll pay for these, " I said to a lady as I dropped the items on the counter .
" sure ma'am, "
I handed her my credit card to pay for the dresses. She hesitated when I gave her the card, then looked at me.
" ma'am are you sure that these are the dresses you're looking for? " she asked unsure.
" why not? Is there a problem? "

She shakes her head quickly and did the deduction on the card. When she handed it back to me, I inched my face a little bit closer.

" curiosity killed the cat, " I whispered in a mocking tone and watched in amusement as she visibly paled before bobbing her head in agreement.

" thanks for your service, " I  winked and walked out of the mall into my car.

I was going to continue with my job hunting tomorrow, and this time I'm confident that I wouldn't be searching for long.

I sat down in my car leaving the door open and check my emails. Tomorrow was the program and I just received an email reminding me.
'Like I would forget,' I scoffed.

" that's the lady I was talking about, daddy, " a voice said besides me.

The voice sounded familiar and I looked up to find the little kid from earlier, glaring at me.

I sighed, and my attention shifts to the person besides her to find a pair of eyes already looking at me.

Staring at the last person I had expected to have an encounter with, I suddenly felt nervous.
A foreign emotion erupted from the bottom of my stomach. My hands suddenly felt clammy and my heart raced. This was so unlike me.

"nice meeting you - "

Author's Note :
So, I was wondering...
How was the chapter?
Who was that on the phone with Huda earlier?

Any idea? Let me know in the comments section below!
Don't forget to press that shining star, share the books to your friends.
Much love,

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now