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I stared in shock at the person standing before me for a minute trying to process what was happening.
" what are you doing here?"
My voice was filled with disdain as I ignored his previous teslim.

He sigh then took a step closer. I stood my ground, not moving an inch and observed as he sigh again and took a step back.
" Huda, can you give me a chance to speak to you?" He pleads, his voice calm and composed.
I narrowed my eyes at him, folding my arms.
" say what it is you want to say. I'm busy and don't welcome the idea of you wasting my time"

He looked taken aback for a moment, before recovering almost immediately. He thinks I wasn't going to give him a chance to speak.

" wow, I was thinking you were going to give me a hard time. Didn't-"

I interrupted him sharply with a glare.
" are you going to talk about what made you demand my presence or what!"

By now, some group of Aunties were flocking in the living room, gossiping in a not subtle manner. Some of them gave a suspicious glance before whispering amongst themselves. This was getting uncomfortable for me. I clenched my jaw.
What perfect timing! I thought sarcastically.

" Huda, I want you to come back. I'm ready to accept you back,"
My head turned back in shock. He must have misread my facial emotion as he blew out a breath and continued.

" I thought about what happened and decided to let the past stay in the past. I'm over everything that happened before, and I've forgiven you. You can pack your bags and-"

I stood up in a rage, my eyes hardening as I glare daggers at him.
A movement by the side caught my eyes and I turned to see Mahdi looking at me apprehensively.

" Mahdi, get him out of my sight!"
My voice came out loud and harsh, just the way I wanted it.
" Huda, you don't need to be"

" shut up, Dawud! Not a word from you anymore-"

Abu walked in with Sama and Aunt Maria. He wasn't looking shocked by Dawud's presence instead looked at .e with an unreadable emotion.

I laughed dryly.
Of course, he's aware...they are all aware.
"I'm not going to stand and listen to the filth from your mouth anymore "
I said and walked away until Sama's voice stopped me.
" Huda, listen to him. He's back after all and that's what matters the most".

I swiftly turned, facing her. Mahdi was signalling me to calm down, but I ignored him. I'm not the type to be patient in this kind of situation, especially after what she just said to me.

Sorry Mahdi, but I won't do that.

" What did you just say? Listen to him?" I was beyond pissed at this moment.

" Huda-" my father called out but I paid a deaf ear to his words.

" Abu did you hear what your wife just said? How dare she! She has no idea what I've been through".

Aunt Maria walked forward and held my shoulders trying to force me to look into her eye, but I refused, my eyes still on Sama.

" Huda you need to calm down. The guests are still very much around," she whispered, this time gaining my attention.

I clenched my jaw, feeling my eyes beginning to tear up. That only happens when I'm extremely angry, but I blink twice to stop it.

" Huda, no need to make a scene. Haven't you gotten what you wanted?"

"Laiqa, no!" Mahdi cautioned.

I removed Any Maria's hands from my shoulders and faced the owner of the comment. She was staring back at me with confidence.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now