20: 🌻

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Third Person's POV

The looks spoke volumes.

And no, it wasn't just Yusuf's. Abu, Sama, her half-sisters, Mahdi, Granny, Aunt Maria and finally, cute Misam's.

Huda internally battled against her mouth that was ready to ask why Laiqa was giving her that look on her face. Sama looked slightly apologetic though, but Huda believed non of that. To her, the woman was a two-faced bi*ch and was unpredictable.

Ayesha was practically looking at her with hearts in her eyes. Remind Huda to thank him later for indirectly pushing her to do some things that turned out good for her later.

Anisa though with a sweet smile on her face, looked a bit distracted. Huda subtly raised an eyebrow at her and she replied with a similar look, also raising her brows slightly. Interesting...

Grandma and Aunt Maria had a grin on their faces. Huda gave them a little smile, and the grins got even wider.

Abu had a proud smile on his face. Huda had to admit that even though he hadn't been the best father, he was one of the main reasons she had done the things she did in the past.

She took a sit on the floor beside Yusuf, a respectable space between the both of them. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Misam waving trying to grab her attention. She turned her head and smiled at her before giving her a wink.

Someone snorts lightly beside her. Her cheeks coloured almost instantly and she quickly looked away.

                               *    *    *
"Qubool Hai "

"Qubool Hai "

"Qubool Hai "

The Imam said some prayers before Misam came tackling her down with a hug.

Her heart soared. During the past two weeks, she had formed a tight bond with Misam who reminded her a lot of Janan. There were just too many similarities between them that were hard to ignore.

"Misam," Yusuf chastised in a light tone. She pulled away slowly not before smiling sheepishly at him.

Huda could hear her heartbeat as he took her hands in his, and kissed her knuckles before pulling her into a hug.

She stilled for a minute before relaxing. She wrapped her hands around his torso and buried her head in his chest. There wasn't much height difference between the both of them.

Reality hit her hard. This was going to be her new home. With him and Issam. She was finally moving on and going to erase the bad chapters of her life from her memory. She was going to spend the rest of her life with him if Allah wills. Grow old and build a happy home with him.

"Assallam Alaikum," he whispered for only her ear to hear.

"Wa Alaikum Salaam, " she replied the tesleem smiling.

For a moment, it felt like they were the only ones in the room. Both were lost in each other's eyes, hearts beating in rhythm. Oblivious to the voices of others as they congratulated them, and prayed for blessing in the new union.

                              *  *  *
" I'll miss you, granny," she said holding her hands.
Granny smacked her lips together and adjusts her face mask.
" You can always visit me whenever you want dear, so I'll know if you miss me,"

The idea sounds nice and tempting. She'd have to have a conversation about that with Yusuf though.
" or...we can always Skype. That sounds fun too, right?"

" whatever," granny rolled her eyes.

"I love you too, granny" Huda pulled granny into a hug laughing.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now