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     ANISA'S PIC 👆

I've never been tongue tied.
Well... If you exclude the one time I tried sneaking out at night through my room window and was caught red handed by Abu. Afterwards, he had changed my room and made me clean his car for a week.

Even though I had fun serving my punishment, I was still embarrassed and couldn't meet his eyes for a long time.
You get the gist, don't you?

Now, this moment would be the second time I'm feeling this way. And it's not because I've been caught acting naughty, but because I am speechless.

" Assallam alaikum, " he greeted.

" wa alaikum salaam, " I replied suddenly feeling embarrassed.

" so... She's your daughter? "I asked even though I knew that was a rhetorical question.

" yes,and I believe we've met before, " he said.

" of course, thanks for that night, "

He nods, and just then the lady arrived with the things I bought.
" thanks, "
After the lady left, I mustered up courage, looking into his eyes, I gave him a half smile.
" I'll be on my way, now, "

" wait... Can I talk to you for a moment, please? "

I hesitated before shrugging. He leads us to the coffee shop across the clothing store, holding his daughter's hand firmly. I force myself to look away.

This isn't the time to be reminiscing.

We sat down and he ordered a drink for his daughter. He looked my way in a way of asking what I wanted, and I shook my head.
"thanks, "
Shrugging, he completed his order and faced me.
I'm curious, what did he wanted to talk about?

" my name is Dr. Zahir Yusuf, I'm a psychologist. That night, I picked up some signals that you were in need of help, and I thought I could help. Though, I wasn't expecting us to meet soon, I saw you this afternoon, " he said calmly.

I had no idea where this conversation was heading, but I listened attentively.

" I want you to see me as a friend. I'm willing to help you in anyway I can for the sake of Allah (SWT). With my experiences, I know people in your condition often have trust issues, but I can help you with that if you'd let me - "

" so, are you saying you'd render your services for free? " I cut him off,my tone coming off a bit too sharp.

" not everything is about money. Many people are out there struggling... Struggling to survive in the world they find themselves in. If I'm in the situation to help out, I won't hesitate - " he removed his glasses," - I have a feeling you're willing to heal, " he said.

" I don't think you should help me, it'll only be a total waste of your time. I'm mentally imbalanced... I almost ran your daughter over, didn't you see? "

" I know that you're not, you're just passing through a phase in life. However, I don't want you to feel pressurized. This is my card, don't hesitate to contact me when you need help, " he pushed a card forward and stood up, his daughter mirroring his actions while playing with his phone.

Strangely, there was this warm feeling which bloomed in me knowing that there are still people out there who are willing to help others even though they barely know them.

" thanks,"

"you are welcome, miss, " he said.

" Huda... Huda Sultan "

" And I apologize for my daughter's actions, she's just hurt, "

I watched as the little girl looked down shyly, and I bend down to her height raising her chin up with my hands.

 Unraveling HUDA (#1 Sultan Series ) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now